Comments jordan at jordan’s painting. go meet the sob . why not.

LOL damn . the asshole calls you while you are the station and the sheriff stands there and listens to it. what a deal . ha ha ha. its too funny. thornside you sir are causing problems down south no doubt

Folks you guys are on point on this deal and are having all the fun. I need to go help out. Sure do

Here is an article on Mike Jordan, 50, on Laura Ingraham’s show. A sure sign of a shill. and here is the video

No doubt and they think they are untouchable and free to spend all of our hard earned tax dollars without ever feeling the pressure of the truth , wrong again .

Yes they are Donna , yes they are !!

Spot on Yolanda , thanks so much for being awake and on point ! Have a great week !

SideThorn doesn’t harass anyone, period! He investigates ampublic story and does it with professionalism! These idiots are scared shitless, cause they’ve been exposed! Well, that’s their own damn fault! They put their damn faces out there! They asked for people to donate based on their fraud and bullshit, and they should be accountable to anyone that believes they collected that money based on fraud! They should provide all the evidence those people existed and truly died as they claimed, BEFORE they are allowed to collect one penny based on that!

SideThorn doesn’t harass anyone, period! He investigates ampublic story and does it with professionalism! These idiots are scared shitless, cause they’ve been exposed! Well, that’s their own damn fault! They put their damn faces out there! They asked for people to donate based on their fraud and bullshit, and they should be accountable to anyone that believes they collected that money based on fraud! They should provide all the evidence those people existed and truly died as they claimed, BEFORE they are allowed to collect one penny based on that!

Finally got it! Too fuqing funny! You have not threatened anyone that hasn’t threatened your guys life’s! This guy is a moron, and obviously part of the fake phony show! Talking to the FBI? ROFLAO! You have every damn right to research and touch base with anyone, so long as you don’t harasses and don’t return if they tell you not! They are pissed off that they’ve been busted! Well too fuqing bad! They committed fraud, money laundering, wire transfer fraud, terror, and many more! They are treasonous bastards!

Anyone else having trouble running this? Not sure if it’s on my end

On the front line again .... great work.

On the front line again, well done... I believe they think all these ’events ’ will be forgotten as new ones come along...

Great video...

Right on and thank you ! It is pathetic how these lying demons have been led to believe they are untouchable ...

Of course , thank you !

Bravo! I guess they are now advised not to contact you anymore by their ’handlers’. They thought they could participate in this bluff and then spend the GoFundMe money undisturbed, they hadn’t counted on this. This Sutherland Springs event is fraud, they should be prosecuted, get paid back the money and be in prison. How can people believe it’s okay with charity scams.

Great stuff brother. Can I mirror this on my Youtube channel ? she has screen captures of internet posting prior to event.

Me and my kids love the Ellen screaming groundhog! Every time I think of that video I think of that stupid idiot filming himself while looking for his daughter at the arianna grande bombing instead of trying to use it to call her azz! I don’t know how so many sheeple are still asleep!