
Truth cannot be too much. War = dead bodies. No corpses means no war.

Also Ukraine used to be Khazar, where the ones doing all of this are from.

You’re absolutely right. She is correct in what she says and might be completely sincere but these demon psychopaths and their bullshit games.And there’s obviously some sorcery.going.on because what mind numbed fool would take vaccine recommendations from Gates, Fauci , masons, Africans, government, . And the stupid hand signs. Maybe not with her but someone.might innocently let their hands fall into the "a-ok" shape, for instance, and I immediately take note .

Non compliance might get us in unnecessary trouble? A louse bandanna might not constrict our air flow too badly if forced to ware a mask? I know around here if you went into a courthouse you had to ware a mask!The need COVID eg5 slash 5g Variemt backwards rn If I should say when they turn it up, I expect by December we may have a hard WHO controlled Lockdown . Hope not but they need an excuse for the mass jab 5g die off?

Most seem to believe COVID is real! And if you don’t comply they might hate you. They need educated. I like to recemend 153 so they can get the truth! We have to win them over. Yeah stupid ignorant people will wear masks so what l don’t care. And I don’t mind wearing a mask makes it harder for facial Don’t wear that contaminated masks! Wear. bcca bandanna or your own mask. We can make or own. Put a slogan on the mask or a good websight on it. Use the mask to advertise.

Not sure if one or two not wearing a mask is going to be enough to wake the masses? Not wearing a mask may just single oneself out and make thyself a target? If people get the word out might be more effective. Than putting oneself on the list of non compliant..

Not sure she he is telling the truth? This might be throw it in your face time. The damage is done half the world is wacked already. Mission Acomplished. .We can thank Mr Warp Speed. And his super fast deployment of the kill shot for that. People got injected before most really had time to think about it. Or hear about the Dangers. That’s what I figured was the need for warp speed. Perhaps my intuition was right?

Thank You! This puts ghouls info. I had heard a while back that it was becoming a race to the bottom of the moral cess pool! Allegedly Canada had legalised bestiality. Sorry need to fact check that? But the word was pedofellia was the next goal and threshold to be broken. after Gay Marriage .Which I could scarcely believe! Now we are seeing it become a reality! Wow our Current parents Would never believe that this is what America has become!! Excellent Catch! Very Sad state of affairs

Who is this woman speaking?

I don’t think you can ever have homosexuals and transvestites in a society without that society going to shit. It’s wrong behaviour. Seems like what’s TRUE for one should be TRUE for all and homosexuality for everyone means death to the species.

Nigger’s with guns white mason nigger’s or sodomites black voodoo nigger’s. Very comforting to know order followers are out there. Oh, shit this is a proud boy bullshit. Yeah, never mind, proud boys. Gay boys. The voodoos will never stand for any TRUTH. Nigger’s are running en masse around cities sucker punching humans females in the face. The nigger is a hive mind and regardless of the role they play as a public persona they are all that same coward monkey gang running thru towns punching humans females in the face. The are serna williams baboon male dressed as female playing against mostly other transvestite trash. Like TRUMP, they want you to think someone is out there fighting for you.

Well, we wanna do something about it but it’s football season. And when it isn’t football season it’s baseball season. Then there’s American idol. Voodoo lives matter. If you ever start something know that they’ll create a voodoo-sodomites victimhood psyop and the looting raping and robbing will be supported and encourage by the government, police, masons, church of Rome, Zionists, homosexuals, so know, that you 1) need to be armed and 2) need to approach it as if all ships have been burned and that there’s no means of retreat.

G,mans the boss! ! ! Like it or not.. We gotta unite in order to gov ourselves or lay down and allow the bs

That wouldn’t surprise me a bit. That brings to mind, creepy Al Franken, the comic and Jew Senator (same thing), also from the wonderful state of Wokesota.

Finke sounds like another Faggot Jewish name.

29 tons of ground beef recalled today plus recalls almost every day! They are stocking up on food plus causing shortages and prices to rise! Food is a weapon! just weather modification is! And truth is a weapon too!

Dr Kary Mullis made that perfectly clear, saying the PCR can magnify anything in the human body where it can be viewed. Many of the things it can see are dead cells that the body’s immune system has already destroyed and is in the process of being purged.

Your assessment in the description box is spot on, remember Oklahoma City set the stage for ani-terrorism laws for the Patriot Act after the 911 hoax which is still presented as fact far and wide, and which the Sheeple have been brainwashed to believe it was a real event.

Both Jan 6th and the alleged Governor Whitmer kidnapping plot were both Psyops for the same reasons you cite here, no one went to, or is now in jail, you believe it because they told you to believe it and that makes it so in the minds of the Sheeple, it has to be true because we saw it on TV, there is no way they could get this many people to participate in a hoax of this magnitude.......... RIGHT!

Just like WWE Wrestling (when rotated=33) all rehearsed and scripted, and most if not all belong to a Masonic brotherhood and that’s why they get all tattooed up, to show their allegiance.