
Are you sure this is not an idiot? Not sure if truth or lies? Really it’s all Lies. Someone who can talk for hrs and say nothing. lol. Can’t listen to this guy he is annoying. Blah Blah Blah.

Absolutely. It’s not the order giver that is personally culpable, it’s the order follower. Absent a true moral compass, order followers are scum.

Dopamine rectangle addiction at it’s finest.

These people won’t complain either. They’ve spent their lives being taken advantage of, by their "rulers" Yes Massa, Is’s movin, don’t beat me boss. Not at all like those uncooperative white folk who think Liberty, Equality, Fraternity. What we need is obedient workers.

Thanks Tim. Setting the guys to translate this. Italy must know.

Say it loud, say it clear, brainwashed sheep are bleating here.

Anyone who thinks that this invasion was not logistically planned has rocks for brains. Hormigas Armadas = Army Ants.

I disagree that it’s not this cops fault for following orders, when human lives are at stake cops or military personnel have a moral obligation to save lives first. I was just following orders is no longer a legitimate excuse for allowing people to die.


And this is why wages aren’t growing in America and the cost of living will always go up. They need cheap laborers, to do all the slave work. This is the reason the companies make so much money and most people who work for someone live paycheck to paycheck and can never get ahead.

That looked like a CNG metal tank but certainly not an EV charging station.

One has to wonder which is worse for mankind overall. The minority of bad guys or the many more brainwashed fools doing their bidding.

What’s disturbing also is their first intuitive action is to ‘save the phone’, it’s crazy. Reminds me of a drunk with a pint of beer, they learned the art of falling and saving most of their beer - but this is one another level. Total socially engineered distraction addiction in action……those last few very close misses to meeting their maker I hope changed their outlook, but knowing the addiction creation it’ll be the same and likely growing worse by the day - great video, some laughs in there but see the message it brings.

Glad you gave David Dees credit for these, I have been an admirer of his political art as well, rest in peace David.

Christian Zionism?

Maybe September 23 also has something to do with the day count from the Prophet Daniel in the Bible. “And from the time that the daily Sacrifice (or Work) is taken away (March 11,2020 when WHO DECLARED the Worldwide PLANdemic) UNTIL the Abomination of Desolation is SET UP there shall be one thousand two hundred and ninety days" . Daniel 12:12 If you check the KJV the word ‘Sacrifice’ is in italics, meaning that the word ‘sacrifice’ does not appear in the original language but was supplied by the translators to help the reader ‘understand’ the verse . But in Ezekiel chapter 39 verse 14 the same word is translated “continual Employment “ which shows that the KJV translators believed this to be a valid translation. When the WHO issued their WORLDWIDE proclamation the entire world was put in LOCKDOWN! Do you know the last time that happened?—NEVER!!! Well, at least not since Noah and the Flood. If the C19 jab is the Abomination of Desolation or the Mark of the Beast as I believe it is—then 1290 days from March 11, 2020 ends up on September 23., 2023. You can check it out on a day count app. iIn Matthew 24:15 it says “WHEN ye therefore shall see the Abomination of Desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet STAND (Set Up) in the holy place” VS21 ""THEN shall be Great Tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world till this time no nor ever shall be and except those days be shortened there should no flesh be saved, but for the elects sake those days shall be shortened " In 2 Thessalonians it says the “Son of Perdition” “the man of sin”—shall exalt himself and show that he is God and sit in the Temple of God” Paul the man that penned this prediction also said “Know ye not that your body is the TEMPLE of God—if any man defile that Temple him will God destroy “ In Daniel 8:13,14 it says “how long shall be the vision concerning the DAILY sacrifice and the Transgression of Desolation…. And he said unto Two Thousand and three hundred days” Since this 2300 ‘days’ is a reference to TWO dallies per day there have been several students of prophecy that say this would then have an actual day count of 1150 days. If you go from March 11, 2020 when the WHO issued their decree to May 5 2023 when the WHO issued their decree to end the Plandemic it is exactly 1150 days!

Peggy Hall is the greatest leader and activist I’ve ever seen in my 71+ years on earth. She has taken more action and helped more people during this BS19 insanity than anyone else. Has her own court cases against the state of CA. She is spot on with everything from weather control, to the Maui DEW attacks to you name it.

Truth is as a lion: set it free, it will defend itself.

Love her! She knows him well. Pomeroy is more evil than even she knows but can’t get any closer than she did.

Agree. Amateur hour.