
Microsoft gets a little plug from the article, too. Of course they’re the "good guys" to the Sleeple.

I put hot sauce on everything. Prolly a little to much. I gots the need for heat!

here’s another 33. I was wondering about the date this is officially reported has starting. 1st December 2019, if I haven’t made mistake, if you look at month’s name in gematrinator, it reduces to 1. So if you thus leave that 11 alone, the day and month, and add year, 2+1+9 = 12, and reduce to 3 you have 113/33

That’s insane.

Hard for me to watch the whole thing, but I understand the drill. The TV and the puppets that operate the controls are responsible for the fake virus, and the real virus that infects the mind of the viewer. You’re singing to the choir, but thanks just the same for the valuable info.

what is your best source of evidence to say it is an out and out hoax?

...I have been trying to find a good video or article which really compares the HIV/AIDS HOAX with the CV HOAX!

THank you Jeffersonian Girl for all your time in this work. Love it.

@TheVoiceOfReason - speaking of banks, here in Ontario, Canada for the last two months they have security on the front door. You must show valid debit card to enter and the door is then locked behind you while you conduct whatever business. The claim is due to recent bank robberies, but who is buying that. I think there will be a run on the banks due to this pre-planned economic collapse, blamed on the virus. We need to stay calm and stay strong and being prepared is key but we are long past that for those thinking they can start today. Talk to GOD and keep him in your heart. These are unprecedented times, but we’ve been warning for decades, some just chose to call us conspiracy theorists.

Do NOT take the TEST as chances are you will test positive, since most everyone has had the flu or a cold which would show we have antibodies in our blood. A test in my mind would have you sent directly to quarantine - do not pass go and no get out of jail free card. Think about that --- just say no.

Peekay, wait for it, there will be a run on the banks ! I hope I’m wrong, but I can see it, guards on every bank door for the last two months in Ontario, Canada. Seriously - you need a valid debit card to enter and once the door is opened, it’s locked behind you while you conduct your business. It’s a sign in my mind.

I hate it everytime Trump says OUR PEOPLE. I feel that he is trying to imply ownership of all of us.

Those coronavirus photoshopped pics remind me of the moon landing looking at earth. Same shite, different year and topic... but still, it’s all mind controlling propaganda bullshit. The entire world has the same photos, go figure. Thanks PEEKAY !

Wow , what a coincidence that perry klass joo lady was born in my country...I never heard of her until now

I perhaps think (((they))) are also spreading fabrications about ridiculously long incubation times to maintain fear and paranoia and to protract the entire drill exercise for as long as is needed despite the fact that no one around you seems sick and which is also probably why they are trying to keep people away from each other in large gatherings so it does not become noticeably demonstrable that very few people are, in fact, "sick"?  What do you think?rnThey’re crashing markets and ruining the economy and profiting from it and then implementing greater social control measures in the process. It will likely be configured into the whole election theater later this year as well and that could be a motivational factor though, beyond reality tv theater, I question if there is anything remotely legitimate about candidate and voting processes in any straightforward sense in any way whatsoever. They can rig things however (((they))) wish to with their paid employee puppet politicians though I’m sure they enjoy looking at voting tabulations privately for entertainment purposes and to assay how all of their social and political mass news media and popular culture perceptual management is "working" on all of their goyim pets. I’m sure they enraptured seeing just what they can get away with and with the masses of morons slavishly complying as they are it gives (((them))) confidence to make the next "event" even more oppressive and restrictive than this one. Perhaps some form of fabricated political theater creating a dialectic pitting China against the USSA is in the works here with the "novel coronavirus" being its catalyst and, just in time for election year theater!    rnrnSo I wonder what exorbitant figures will comprise De Blasio’s aid request package and how much of those funds will actually be spent on what they are said to be needed for? Facilities to house all those additional "plague victims" who are not sick? No, the $$$ will be funneled and laundered elsewhere, assuredly. Military presence on the ground in JYC will be more welfare expenditure.

London Breed is a man.

I’m a fan of Spicy Hot foods myself, almost everything I eat has heat to it:) Back in the Day when I was a little boy and my Grandma was still alive, she would make the best homemade salsa out of Chile Pequin peppers. That and some of my Uncle Dons brisket was heaven!!

Exactly I concur with all you say. I get a runny nose everytime I overload on the hot 🔥 salsa, it really cleans out your sinuses.

They all rush to suck on the big government, taxpayer tits. It’s no surprise that the give it all away economics of Wolff is in the mix of morons. These situations where anyone asking to slow down and consider the repercussions will be considered a traitor to "democracy" and the American way. Remember "weapons of mass destruction"? Someone will be laughing all the way, to a foreign bank. If you disagree, you’ll also be called out for your hateful, anti-semitism.

Here in the States yesterday the Mainstream Mockingbird Press claimed we had 80 deaths from the Coronavirus in 76 days. Thats a little over 2 deaths per day in a population of 328 million. Last year they averaged 153 deaths a day ( 56, 000 deaths from the flu in 2019 ) and they didn’t shut down the entire country for 2 flu deaths. This is nothing more than a psychological operation on a global scale designed to crash the economies of the world to usher in their One World Currency. Order out of Chaos.