
Good stuff right here.

He must be related to Noah Pozner! He died twice too! Once in CT and once in Pakistan, both school shootings! (fake). These so-called "fact checkers" are nothing but propaganda that supports the official stories.

Parrots for main stream media - sad

temporary usually means permanently

Nice video on the California deaths! I’ve been trying to find the deaths for these alleged CV deaths that they give us names, and I can’t find their deaths in Ancestry database. I didn’t look for obits but I haven’t had much time. I see their families smiling and lack of tears, and I know right away they are lying shills. I want to hear from the families that are mad about their loved ones being listed as dying from CV and their loved one died from falls, cancer, car wrecks, etc. I’ve read their posts claiming so, but I can’t locate anyone that has said it on camera. It would be nice to see those!

i’m going to fall off my chair lol

I know, it’s been a long 3 weeks not being able to post and see everyone’s work. As soon as this started I knew why they took the server down. My brother is in KY and that governor has gone nuts. Thankfully I woke both of them up to the truth a few years back with the fake shootings, and they knew this entire thing was BS. One of his golf buddies has a wife that works at a hospital, and they cut staff and reduced everyone’s pay in HALF. She only had her income reduced 25% because she only works part-time there, but it showed how these hospitals are not "War Zones" and flooded with sick people. He tried to wake up his golf buddy but he knew he had to tread lightly when the idiot wouldn’t shake his hands or get near him. Unfortunately, I don’t know where to start. Brian had that great interview with the doctor, but they are missing the point that there is no sick people dying right now with CV and the numbers are inflated. So maybe I will post how they are rigging the numbers. I called and had it out with my local health department because they turned into the local news that some OLD guy in a nursing home died of Covid, and when you read the article it states he had existing health conditions that may have caused it too and this shill sends it out to the MSM without confirming if he just "HAD CV" or "DIED from CV". She acted like she was doing the community a favor by sending that out and letting people know that he may have died from CV, and I said to her that all you did was cause a panic and freaked out everyone because some old guy died at a nursing home with pneumonia which is how most elderly peope freaking die!! Then I called my state COVID hotline because the idiots are not tracking TEST DATES! If they want to genuinely know when the "CURVE FLATTENS", then they should be tracking the test dates and not posting total numbers as they arrive in their office! They couldn’t answer that so tracked down the dumb shill at the state epidemiology office that does the official counting. Anyways I asked if the Governor was seeing the DATES of when the TEST SWAB WAS TAKEN, and she said "NO". I was livid, and asked her if she wanted the Governor to make a life-altering decision on shutting our economy down and ruining our state, don’t you think that the guy should see what date these people came to get tested because if took 7-15 days to get the results, then those people are already back to normal!?!?! Her response?? Crickets chirping. So, I log onto the website this week, and they had dates, but NOT DATES of when the swabs were tested!! NOPE! Dates of when they got the numbers in their office!! I was pissed. I haven’t called back because either these idiots are morons, or they know that the numbers would show that nothing new is coming out. I’ve been to our local testing tents and NOTHING! NOBODY IS EVER THERE! So, how our these numbers going up? Are they testing every patient in a Nursing Home that gets a FLU SHOT???? The Local Health Dept lady couldn’t explain why this thing didn’t explode into daycares and schools that are cesspools for sickness!! Her response: "Well, the youth are more virile". I told her that would be great but the problem is they didn’t catch it in ANY school and kids do not have the strongest immune system, so that "Theory" holds no water. She was then claiming it was because of the shut-downs, and my response was "Great, then why is it showing up in random counties at Nursing Homes?" and her response "Well, people are traveling and not listening to the Stay-at-home orders". I LAUGHED, and told her that she could NEVER prove that illogical theory because nobody is going to nursing homes now and the nurses that work there are not going to work with CV and killing off their patients! I said if this thing was so contageious then every person in a nursing home would have caught it and died, and that has not happened either. She was bragging how she shut down some family in quarantine, and I was laughing at her again because they’ve yet to prove that this thing is contagious. The only studies out there have less than 20 "Test patients", and the ones that they want to use to "prove it’s highly contagious uses SIX FREAKING PATIENTS"! SIX! and they were related somehow, so that could have been because they had some POISON in them!! I know that I’m a little smarter than the average person, but I really thought doctors and scientists are just as smart. Now I know that most doctors are dumber than a doorknob. Much love to you and your family!


Yes, perfect timing.

Hey thanks. =) You keep rocking as well.

Hey. You Bet! =)

Very good song. Anyone rubbing their hands together in joyous expectation of that $1200 check, and who are buying into the willful destruction of our economy, should consider the real cost of selling out the hard-fought achievements of themselves and their ancestors, for this meager pittance. During what was called "The great Depression", I was told by one of my ancestors, many years ago, that the Jews bought up whole city blocks of houses when times got tough for people. Many people were cheated and kicked out of their homes, which were sold at great profit, when the "crisis" came to an end. Oh, but times have changed! Have they?

All glory to God

Thats always been one of our old backup boxes. It just lived in a corner and chugged and now its returning life to our new boxes. Super slowly.

Very very few real news channels left.

Truly thank you and everyone for the support and the courage to face these monsters.

Loo: All a psyop right Loo. Because you do so much for orur world, its pretty easy to speculate on others that do. Last time I said to download, I was 100% sure they would kill me. At this point I know 1000% that will be my fate. Perhaps the next time you guys have a watchman among your midst saying to download like 90 going north, you will. If people would have take that seriously, ya’all could have helped me repopulate this box with our old stuff.

Actually that was the only real news I have seen in months. She gone.

Not 100% what you mean exactly. They already infiltrated our last data center and stole our videos.

Tell your lady there wont be forums on round 3. We gotta stay as lean and as protected as possible. And last round...I built it...and nobody came. Field of Dreams was a liar!