
Coop please follow this guy and keep us posted on whats happening at these meetings.

Insider George Carlin made reference to that, and he said they will get it too.

I get similar comments like that all the time. Suggestions that all the information from a particular person should be ignored because of a simple misstatement, lack of topical knowledge on an unrelated subject, or that they got something wrong three years ago on a different topic. Another stupid tendency I’ve noticed, is some assume that if an uploader criticizes a particular politician, he’s automatically an advocate for the opposite "side". Pure stupid thinking, or as you mentioned, agenda driven.

I do look at mainstream social media sites. Some allow quite a lot of free speech about covid vaccine injuries. A suspicious person may think this is to slow the growth of alternative sites. Anyway the more famous people on these sites seem to attract very hurtful comments under their posts. The strategy seems to be to pick on one small point in their argument, denounce it and ignore the rest of it. It just seems odd that the comments are so strongly worded. Other techniques seem to be to try to create divisions. I suspect these nasty comments come from online farms, paid posters or people with agendas.

I was thinking the same. Not buying it for one second.

I think he’s a criminal. There are a few loose screws in his head. That’s why he’s so evil and is proud of it.

You are correct!!

Limitation of collateral damage. HPM weapons would generate little to norncollateral damage of physical structures.rn99 This feature could make themrnattractive weapons in urban areas or in situations “short of war.”


All the more reason to light it up. Think how much the gubmint won’t have to pay out in SS: they can give that to their cronies.

Too late. My staff is already translating it. Italy will know. It will be subbed it will go into an .iso file and it will never ever disappear. rnrnGj coop.

If one has never seen a body hit with a DE weapon, then how would one know what a body looked like after being hit with one? Not passing my sniff test, fwiw. Just more Hellywood imho.

Wildfires my ass. This was surgically precise in the extermination.

They can’t light up Scottsdale because there are thousands of old people who would perish.

As you should, and everyone of us here as well.

I have to give them discount at work, but don’t thank them for shit and in my head cussing them out.

When was the this video taken? I didn’t think anyone was allowed in to the area. I’m not saying this isn’t 100% real, I’ve just been programmed to question everything.

All military are corporate mercenaries, aka, paid killers. We all need to STOP with this glorification of military conquest. Heroes my ass. I condemn them for going to foreign lands and killing people simply because they are told/paid to.


The truth is a double edged sword to their lies and they fear it! But they will never escape judgement! go look up Anton levays dying words ! He said oh no wait somethings terribly wrong here then slipped into darkness / hell cause he prayed to satan his whole life..he was founder of church of satan!