
The blind leed the blind and both fall into the ditch! lol sad but true!

Bam you nailed it! Nice Work!!

I believe it Was Kathern Fits who said that about the series of lockdown s..or Fritz

Gates of hell told us the next one he thinks will get our attention ! So Fasten your Seat belts and get ready! They are going to turn up 5g and look out! The WHO will take over, Kathryn don’t remember last name said their would be a series of lockdown each successfully worse. The Vaxed will most likely in my opinion Drop like poisoned flees! Some say December is the month they think the lockdown will begin? They imagine all stores will close this time? Time will tell!! Pray and obay! Much love to all ! Stay strong, Keep the Faith! Peace

Russia would have beat Ukraine in a day if that was legit. I still maintain the African voodoos are behind masonry/zionism/jesuit/homosexuals. This whole thing is a voodoo-takeover. Or, at the very least, like in the so-called Whiskey Rebellion, there was a real chance for freedom and the tax-collectors "slaves" held off the humans until sell-out freemason Washington could get there with the order followers to repress the chance for freedom. And that’s what they exist for: to keep humans from getting free. When a few years ago humans were finally protesting the mask they pulled-off the George Floyd hoax and that put an immediate stop to the mask protest and the cops stood-down while the voodoos and the useful idiot bolsheviks burned shit down. I bet they build a place for african refugees in the area they freed-up in Maui; Lahaina. I don’t know where they sit in the large pile of shit called the pyramid of power but at the very least the voodoos are the glue that holds the shit together. Or maybe they’re at the top of the pile. There is really no oppression for those creatures and every single thing they have is a product of the labor and ingenuity of some human species; not the voodoos. The invented sodomy and thievery. Not even Napolean, Stonewall Jackson or Genghis Khan ever thought of the whiny, crybaby battle tactic. "I’m a victim. Give me, gimme, gimme." I don’t think it would work for anyone else. Nor would any other species need to hold up a sign that they matter. Most human species have value and it’s apparent. I guess the voodoo is afraid people will start asking, "what are these voodoos good for?" But now if they ask they can see the sign and say, "Oh, well, it says right there that they matter. That’s all I need to know." And there’s footage of a bunch of voodoos going to see Putin and the one guy shakes his hand. Then he hugs Putin. And then he grabs Putin and pulls him closer and hugs him tight. The masons and these other cults are niggers regardless of their skin color. Their entire cult is about serving nigger-dick, I guess. Very strange. Why they’d double cross their own species for the voodoos. But then these guys turn their family into transvestites.

The real ’smoking gun’ are the cars melted into oblivion in the middle of the parking lot. A giant oval of burned 1 foot high weeds surrounded by nothing. It takes 1300+ degrees to melt aluminum wheels until they run like candle wax down the asphalt. Even if they were hybrid cars and the lithium ignited, WHAT LIT THE BATTERIES OFF? Unless the laws of physics have been changed in Maui, something more than natural happened there. I hold a BSEE and sorry, a few burning weeds is not going to ignite the batteries, or burn the tires down to their belts, or melt the back glass windows into dripping beads. Wake up.

Based on hundreds if not thousands of hours of research I believe the "Highway of Death" , "9/11 NYC" and "Maui" were all DEW attacks . There were victims in the Middle East attack and in the Hawaii attack but nobody died in the New York City staged production .

And can’t nobody do anything about it. Strategic strikes from lone wolf patriots are all thats left.

Good video and good responses from Jim, but the Professor, with all due respect just can’t let go of Donald Trump even when presented with evidence, and thinks he was duped, I try not to be too critical of him in that area only because I voted for that controlled opposition puppet as well, how much more of this deception can we take? The majority of Germans thought Hitler was a savior as well after their country had been brought to economic ruin and thought he would lead them out of it if they would only follow his leadership, history has a way of repeating itself.

I watched this on mainstream TV way back around. 2009 long before I even thought of buying a computer to see beyond MSN, when the elites would allow a release of small amounts of information, back then I thought this guy was some kind of hero like Alex Jones, but give me a break, former fake wrestler, navy seal and Govenor and he had to sit around a table of people asking him questions to show him who was really in charge, just like all the puppet Presidents. PS, forgot to mention a 6.8 earthquake in Morocco, ....... HAARP ??? more like HAARP devastation to me.

In a reply to another person’s comment, I said we should all question everything. I also stated that I began to question all the images of fried cars during 911, and how the highway of death between Kuait and Iraq was reminiscent of how all the cars looked like in Maui, appreciate your videos.

It sounds like these people at the EU Parliament are against this (sort of) but they are a part of these globalist elite that they seem to be critical of, I don’t trust any of these globalists any more than I trust Fauci and his lieutenants. Oftentimes they even attack each other to create a distraction and confusion.

Pure evil, that’s what I think. It’s hard to watch and listen to these people, they make me want to vomit.

You make a lot of posts here that YOU have ZERO "personal experience" with. So you should never post anything again unless you witnessed it yourself. Where are YOUR videos, big mouth? And where are your donations to the channel? We really don’t need peanut gallery big mouths that don’t have anything to offer except noise. I trust my 26 years and 20,0000+ hours of research and taking action. You have nothing to offer.

My feelings aren’t hurt when fools make comments.

These couple of pictures prove nothing genius! Did a couple of posts that questioned your last video hurt your feelings?

Seems nowadays that when someone has their opinion disagreed with, the best they can do is fling insults and post more "evidence" that they found somewhere, claiming it to be real. When did you ever see a body incinerated by a DE weapon? Do you have any real, personal experience to know unequivocally that what you have presented is real and verifiable? If that’s the best you have, you truly have nothing other than conjecture and personal belief/wishes.

I can only think, the like Herod knew Jesus was going to be born, these synagogue of satan creatures, know that their over throw will only come from white heterosexuals, and so they must kill them. Massive push for intermarriage and complete obliteration from ads. The only ad I saw on the internet of late that showed a female-male, white human couple together said, "How to know when your marriage is a failure." Just saw a still from some movie with Gerard playing a CEO of Black Rock (of course, Black Rock) and his son gets cancer. So, they want to prepare people and normalize that children are going to be getting cancer in great numbers. In the background there’s a voodoo with a human female. That, to prepare you too.

The psyops they create are so ridiculous. Some random assholes are going to get together and call themselves "Proud Boys". Unbelievable the control they have via television. "I watch TV so I know what’s going on." Fox. Yeah, FOX! Lord, and that cringe old lady (or another drag) on NPR. Those fecal creatures from satan’s ass Michael Strathom, or whatever his name is, the ex-football player who took Regis’ place and talks like a retard and that thing it sits next to, black tranny. The voice alone screams "cross-dresser", "female impersonator" Oh, and the View with that hideous beached whale with dread locks and that cringe old "Jewish lady" and Barbara Wa-Wa. Oprah! I can’t imagine how stupid TV is now. I remember twelve years ago at someone’s house the child was watching Hannah Montana and after seeing a minute of it I had to go tell the mother the retardation that child is going to suffer if allowed to watch that shit. And 14-years ago, visiting someone and the court shows on TV. What a mockery. And Tyler Perry show where they were in a firehouse. Fuck. I wish I knew what africans a couple hundred years ago but now they’re cookie-cutter-cut-outs of each other. They all seem to be in a hive mind. Whereas Christian humans are at odds with each other over so many issues the voodoo, regardless of where they are on earth, are acting from some hive mind. Kind of like the clones in episode 3 when Emperor Palpatine gives ’Order 66’ and they all turn traitor. Except that ever since I’ve interacted with them they already seem to have gotten order 66.

Your statement is precisely correct.