
THIS IS NOT THE ORIGINAL VIDEO OF THIS STAGED EVENT. FIRST ONE I SAW HE HAD HIS CAMERA GOING AND PRESENTED HIMSELF IN A BLOCKAGE STANCE. Originally it was posted as having happened in Lafayette Square DC on tv news tied to the story of Chump pushing back the protest line for his biblical photo shoot and the dude had his camera out like i stated. WTF

Bunch of fkn tools on this thread. He had his camera going getting footage of the popo doing as they were instructed to clear the square. He physically placed himself in a combat stance of blockage and they simply resolved his blockage. It was a staged event to further enrage the stupid people against law and order. GTFO with stupid shit of telling them something or trying to help.

@poco you said found the video across the street and you can hear the head hit.....i cant believe you just said that....gtfo ya tool.

@gshock.....You are definately a fkn tool

spot on, and funny.

Their playbook in regards to masks are hilarious as well. As a kid we were brainwashed into thinking the good guys wore the masks such as the lone ranger batman etc then came the era of masks being the bad guys such as bank robbers and all and now its back to the good guys wearing the masks. I find this to be hilarious as well.

When in doubt please refer to my new avatar.

lmao at this stupid garbage quote will have a second leg amputated until they have no more legs what are they fkn spiders or are they inferring you wont have a leg to stand on

If you used facial recognition software i guarantee it would say ellen degenerate and this clown are one in the same. A couple of weeks ago i went searching and read on live science dot org and the cdcs website that this artificially induced imbalance of fresh air intake is altering blood chemistry simply because you are breathing in your own exhales that contain high levels of carbon dioxide instead of the normal high levels of oxygen. It is simple science. Furthermore these cloth masks and face coverings stop only 2 percent of water vapor upon inhale, and that the n95 masks which are respirators by the way only stop about 80 percent. There is damn good reason why respirator usage has been controlled for like forever is that improper fit and improper cartridge selection is deadly. Deadly because you can not breathe. A genuine scenario of i can’t breathe. As far as these mask wearing sheeple i say you just cant fix stupid. Stupidity must be eradicated. addendum.... Message to jboss aka avoice of unreason and crossdresser aka uncle alice and drunk snake aka anaconda malt liquor and psycho boy aka psyche.....funny as hell you changed my name to include agent and blocked me from changing it back.....good job but not a great job as your dumbasses see here with this addendum.....and for the record people jboss is a frontman a phony another juuuu helping with the agenda.....i searched the source codes here then checked registrars then checked icann and then I pinged the ip address of 153 which is and it locates the server in Amsterdam the hub of foreign cia scum not can easily tell there is a team of alphabet cronies here too....jboss in person surely indicates he does not posses the knowledge to create and operate a complex site such as 153 he is just the frontman....the person who comments as avoiceofreason clearly has a much higher iq....this sumbitch refers to white people as demons as is evidenced by his slanted views and says outright he is hunting demons...and that bullshit about the server being stolen....lmao....that looks like somebodies garage not a data center....i’ve worked in and around real data centers that junk you present there is a joke.....servers generate lots of heat and have to be cooled or they will burn up.....homemade servers made out of regular pc tower cases need to be cooled by air with fans and real data centers use liquid cooling systems...there is none of that to be seen....and that glove was a nice touch too reminiscent of the bloody oj simpson glove...that is the level of your actual intelligence.....whole story is bullshit probably just to raise free money on gofraudme....I have always said never trust someone with their hand out asking for money....recent checks confirm that 153news dot org is not registered to anyone.... all dot net and dot coms are classified as businesses.....this is a business can fool some of the people some of the time but you can never fool all the people all the time and I for one am certainly no fool. Peace out.

She is absolutely correct. Anyone with gas-free experience or respirator training recognizes what she is saying. A couple of weeks ago i went searching and read on live science dot org and the cdcs website that this artificially induced imbalance of fresh air intake is altering blood chemistry simply because you are breathing in your own exhales that contain high levels of carbon dioxide instead of the normal high levels of oxygen. It is simple science. Furthermore these cloth masks and face coverings stop only 2 percent of water vapor upon inhale, and that the n95 masks which are respirators by the way only stop about 80 percent. There is damn good reason why respirator usage has been controlled for like forever is that improper fit and improper cartridge selection is deadly. Deadly because you can not breathe. A genuine scenario of i can’t breathe. As far as these mask wearing sheeple i say you just cant fix stupid. Stupidity must be eradicated. addendum.... Message to jboss aka avoice of unreason and crossdresser aka uncle alice and drunk snake aka anaconda malt liquor and psycho boy aka psyche.....funny as hell you changed my name to include agent and blocked me from changing it back.....good job but not a great job as your dumbasses see here with this addendum.....and for the record people jboss is a frontman a phony another juuuu helping with the agenda.....i searched the source codes here then checked registrars then checked icann and then I pinged the ip address of 153 which is and it locates the server in Amsterdam the hub of foreign cia scum not can easily tell there is a team of alphabet cronies here too....jboss in person surely indicates he does not posses the knowledge to create and operate a complex site such as 153 he is just the frontman....the person who comments as avoiceofreason clearly has a much higher iq.......and that bullshit about the server being stolen....lmao....that looks like somebodies garage not a data center....i’ve worked in and around real data centers that junk you present there is a joke.....servers generate lots of heat and have to be cooled or they will burn up.....homemade servers made out of regular pc tower cases need to be cooled by air with fans and real data centers use liquid cooling systems...there is none of that to be seen....and that glove was a nice touch too reminiscent of the bloody oj simpson glove...that is the level of your actual intelligence.....whole story is bullshit probably just to raise free money on can fool some of the people some of the time but you can never fool all the people all the time

been saying same from getgo ... love her enthusiasm!

Agent Alert Agent Alert Bullshit, the store i frequent mostly i asked them could i come in without a mask or as i refer to it as a facial covering and they responded we are not the police. I get strange looks however the strange looks may be for the fact that i go nowhere now without being heavily armed.

Regarding your question head off the floor ?. If you look at the man he has a bag stap over his right shoulder, his left hand is pushing on the bag forcing the tension on the straps to lift his head off the floor .

they are the harlot who drank of it, and those who follow them are apart of that. this woman is disgusting with calm shame for that which needs to be done, should have been done, but they play the victim and do lie

- jewes owned the salve trades, jews were in controlle doppositon with the Vatican, jews made life hell with harassment and gaslighting, jews liked child sacrifice as did their ancestors, its the jews that made lamp shades and shrunken heads and currently own the laergest skin supply they stole from people they were murdering in the whole world, the jews were the Vatican treasurers and came up with how to steal the natives lands, the jews created word religons of thoth and every evil that went with them they are of their father and his father, none of them are of the tree of life, but like jesus who people stupidly worship (that beast with horns of a lamb and tongue of a snake) the 7 headed leviathan being the 7 arch angels the frist beas they gave power to, they are not the red heifer who belonged to the lands of the northern westerners , that virgin beast hwo was ypked and drained of bloo d

infact everything the talmudblods cum accused white people of doing they did

infact everything the talmudblods cum accused white people of doing they did

they eat the pineal gland and adrenal glands, they tortured the ww veterans into culling each other and created mental harassment enslavement agencies (just noticed when I pressed enter it made a comment rather then skipping down in paragraph form. read my comment from bottom to top

they eat the pineal gland and adrenal glands, they tortured the ww veterans into culling each other and created mental harassment enslavement agencies (just noticed when I pressed enter it made a comment rather then skipping down in paragraph form. read my comment from bottom to top

her or not someone deserves it