
Aw ! (Hey, look, I usually post more emotion about sad pet stories with unhappy endings so why would I type two or three additional " w "s on sacks of s^^t like Floyd, and pals ? Haven’t they already made off with multi millions of dollars of peoples’ hard earned money through GoFundMe, exactly as was done at Sandy Hook and many other places ? I’m to show I give a s**t ? I don’t.

Unfortunately your one of the people that God has forced into a slumber. The Bible says, none of you get it until after its over. It really sucks as most of my family is about to bleed on the streets. You cant murder 70 million babies and not end up on judgement. That time is here regardless of how asleep you are.

you think all the people who called in are antifa members or supporters?

Your a clueless babylonian idiot that has no idea whats about to happen to the US. If the Bible is correct The USA has days to months left at tops. This little girl is part of the final days of babylon. If your to stupid to see she has been weoponized watch what comes next. Babylon is done done done.

Last thing his cell saw was the chemmy trail. haha ofc!

He must be in bed with GS, really in bed with him. Melinda is just a front.

I know people that are marching, but not participating in the idiotic riots that are being instigated by paid terrorist Antifa members or undercover pigs.

these people leading the little ones away from Jesus Matthew 18:6

How did her parents weaponize her? They are just your average brainwashed citizen unless you are saying she has some connection to the elite then if so how? If not then you are WAYY over looking this to the point of insanity and you might need help. She’s a child marching with the protesters. Who cares doesn’t make her a demon. Get help.

How did her parents weaponize her? They are just your average brainwashed citizen unless you are saying she has some connection to the elite then if so how? If not then you are WAYY over looking this to the point of insanity and you might need help. She’s a child marching with the protesters. Who cares doesn’t make her a demon. Get help.

This video doesn’t belong on 153news

I got about 5 minutes into this video, it’s Pro-Antifa, I for one am sick of these sniveling little white punks from the suburbs

Agenda 2030. he said it in plain English

and in his model it’s in different language than in david icke’s rough estimation of the Hagelian Dialectic. we are truth tellers, so we have to have all the facts and all the language down better than the stooges of government that we’ll destroy with this truth. -- Hagelian Dialectic: "Thesis, Antithesis -> Synthesis"

dialectic. if you care

what a sick shitshow this all is

Good thing he had his mask on to hide his fakery. Pathetic bastard!

Celeste Solum - Blueprint for the AI 666 Beast System is now Live - Important Info! Celeste has several videos that tell us what is to come.

Project for a New American Century covers all that. That would fit nicely at the beginning but it would be to long .Yep Gates needs to be in Jail.

Wow that is the Masonic double headed eagle on Floyd’s chest....good catch!....who would tattoo themselves with that symbol?.....a FRAUD, that’s who....and the cops are actors too