
Yeah....but he participated in that Las Vegas fake show and dozens of other fake shootings....and he’s playing along with this Covid HOAX, pretending he doesn’t know it’s a FRAUD like all presidents before him with their hoaxes

For me its how healthy my face looks

Remarkable video. But why did it take almost 20 years to surface?

Try believing he’s the real deal. His VA accountability bill ... 9,000 VA workers have been FIRED for mistreating Veterans. That’s putting America First.

Looks great....but I wish Trump was a genuine Nationalist, not a controlled opposition set up by the Jewish bankers to trick sad

I don’t know. This was the body cam from the police officer who went on the phony ride to nowhere.

They’re having these boat rallies even during the middle if the week.I believe this one broke the record!

Do paramedics normally use bodycams?

I honestly do not believe my body will do this.

He is unstoppable of course youtube labels him. :-)

Who runs 5 miles let alone 22 looking like that dork with the heavy safety vest, and that dork shirt below it? Then it looks like he has mesh where his mouth and nose is located! It looks like my tulle mask I wear to Walmart and receive compliments and dirty looks for wearing

Wow! CV Diagnosis over the phone now? It’s ridiculous what they’ve drummed up

This is brainwashing at it’s best. Another great historical record of these paid for actors.

Luciber was the first SJW. As a SJW saw you out the window, and their ego went right after you to validate their selfish ego desire. That person thinks they did the community a favor and helped them from your dangerous person.

Thanks. This is a good one. My favorite part is the guy lighting a cigarette and goes into a cough... I smoked for 28 years.

I loved the video. Very informative, and I’ve felt for a while it’s time to remove what little money I have from the market. Since nothing is backing our money anymore, it’s a matter of time I guess. The only thing I’m confused about is your information on the Venus Project. I thought Jauque, or however your spell his name, created the Venus Project as a way to make cities more efficient, leave a smaller environmental footprint, and have a more enjoyable life/experience in general. I believe The Venus Project was even highlighted in Zeitgeist Moving Forward. I am uneducated on the subject myself, but I am rather curious as to why you feel like it is a pretty much a large prison being built to house workers. I remember one of the points of Zeitgeist was to "get away" from the throw away Capitalism society we’re currently finding ourselves in. To stop buying product after product and chasing the next thrill, to a more simpler way of life that were told will bring us happiness and condemn corporations.

Yeah they made 100% sure to have the PENTAGRAM shown during Bidens speech like never before.

I haven’t seen someone wave his arms around that wildly since SpongeBob SquarePants

We all know who the real terrorists are

A sheep sent me this ’proof’ last night after I was trying to educate him (wake him up), he wouldn’t have it and called me a conspiracy theorist lol, awe well I hope he enjoys his vaccine