
Strange?.....over here in the states airlines are doing fine, the " powers that be" pay the free masons to spray us everyday.

papashrek6 That’s true .. Las Vegas & the Parkland Fl Hoax was terrible! Crisis actors invited to the White House ... RIDICULOUS! He believed the Elmhurst Hospital in Queens medical simulation drill was real. There were no body bags in the hallways or in a freezer truck. Mass graves on Hart Island was pure BS. They’ve been burying convicts, homeless people, dead babies etc. etc. out there for 150 years. That was stock footage .. not covid-19 deaths. A family member works at a nursing home in the Southwest. 5 recent deaths, 31 patients infected along with 22 staff members. Covid-19 is real. However the hoax is, did they die of covid-19 or with it. Most are with it not of it.

Someone was saying pilots are freemasons. There must be a lot of freemasons involved in those big planes because as we know, the earth is flat so many of the pilots must know the earth is flat and the truth is still hidden from the masses. Many pilots must be keeping it on the hush hush

lmf@o. It’s like a crummier version of the George Floyd Fakeshow. The cop actors they chose for this one were horrendous. They couldn’t even handle a guy in handcuffs. I bet this was their first rodeo at acting as cops, lolz

Right on the $ $

WOW! They get more blatant all the time. TY.

Masks - n - vaccines......kill kill kill.....big Win - Win.... for De - pop. Bill.

The world doesn’t make sense. A guy like Matty offers a workout for free and it gets 68 views. Then on youtube there are guys who take take steroids or hgh are selling useless supplements and they get a million views a video.

Dr. Wonderful!

i discovered a great core workout the other day. go into the attic and crawl on your hands and knees along 2 ceiling joists forwards and backwards trying not to fall thru the ceiling.

Beat me to it, interesting his grandfather was on the Federal Reserve 100 years ago, appreciate the upload.

as a Hetro - Male, and white too, I must say. I love this Guy. All the best.

until that union well they can and do turn, I was in one and witnessed it. Ugh these times.

I agree. :(

Ha! At least 1/2 of the time, the cop isn’t wearing his mask correctly, so it’s doing virtually nothing. Of course, there isn’t anything for it to do re: a faked threat, is there?

Yeah....but he participated in that Las Vegas fake show and dozens of other fake shootings....and he’s playing along with this Covid HOAX, pretending he doesn’t know it’s a FRAUD like all presidents before him with their hoaxes

For me its how healthy my face looks

Remarkable video. But why did it take almost 20 years to surface?

Try believing he’s the real deal. His VA accountability bill ... 9,000 VA workers have been FIRED for mistreating Veterans. That’s putting America First.

Looks great....but I wish Trump was a genuine Nationalist, not a controlled opposition set up by the Jewish bankers to trick sad