
Run down that vicious serpent. The truckies must derail the never ending jab train. Or they will be riding a rotten rail all the way to hell on earth.

The bridge to almost complete

The graphene oxide screws with the electromagnetic charge of the human body. This is the reason that magnets stick to the injection site.

Another graphene oxide patent from China here

Worldwide Communist plan to takeover and control the whole world, whether you say Jewish or Jesuit it’s all the same, and it’s as plane as day, unless your simple mind is thwarted by the government invented, it’s just a conspiracy theory.

The guy behind him has an eye going in each direction...something tells me whoever he shoots at has a good chance of being missed.

I know that I’m going to catch hell over this comment I’m about to make, but hear me out. This teacher removing the flag and not mandating her students to recite the ’Pledge’ is nothing compared to the demise of it’s core values at the hands of the U.S. government in the name of government under the American flag. Nearly every domestic terrorism act on our own soil was devised and executed BY the U.S. government. The mass shootings, bombings, political violence in our cities, and corrupted elections were all under a flag that supposedly represents the American people’s values when it has done everything BUT that. The White House has wiped their own ass with that flag many, many times over. When Prescott Bush helped fund the Nazi party before WW2, he supposedly represented our flag, when clearly, he was supporting someone else’s. The real embarrassment and heartbreak belongs to our veterans who served under it, and then were abandoned by it. Whenever I see the flag lowered at half-staff now, I pay it no attention because I haven’t the patience to try to figure out what government scam-of-the-week it represents this time.

He is the third one to discover the graphene oxide, Germany and South America have detected this too. Now the magnets and spoons sticking to the skin are starting to make sense. Thank you for posting this.

Licks her lips like a lizard at the end.

Just wondering how long it’s gonna take Aussies to realize it’s a killer vax.

Fukn Cunt lyin paid shill cunt! Worse then a cunt and thats as low as you can go the c word!.

Good luck with that plan lady. The truckies will have none of it, and without the truck drivers, Australia comes to a grinding halt.

If you can not see it in this things face then you are blinded.Even Ray Charles could see it.This woman is 100% a Demon

Well to the comments below One thing is true Biden is losing his mind & a piece of crap.Also i do not trust any leader & I am not a Trump Supporter either

The evil is festering and seething JUST below the surface. Any more and she will grow fangs and horns!

The magic potions being thrust into everyone’s arms have nothing to do with a killer virus.

She look terrified. They know they’re now being exposed world-wide.

It’s truly interesting to witness how many think that either one must be either all good or all bad. What he says does not resemble the later condition, although I do worry that he has an Eye of Horus tattooed on his left shoulder and he appears to be over qualified for just about every job one can imagine. But I have not seen him falter in his dialogue, nor pause to reconsider a response which might expose him to be something other than what he admits to. If he were harming the ongoing awakening I might be more skeptical. As it is I remain cautious, but optimistic.

Bitten by a snake, Jason.

have a look at his company logo. then compare it to this shills need to give some truth to gain a following. It`s where they lead them afterwards that the magic happens