
Did you just say "Americans take pictures of the food they´re about to eat to share with their friends?" I think they may be well past the rubicon of sentient thought. Sorry Gringoys... R.I.P.

The entire future of America is "A War Movie that hasn´t been aired yet." The "programmed" are a frightening thing to behold.

Write lies, drink like a fish, diddle each other as you gaze down at the rubble of your creation. Top of the world Ma! Journalism and honor, all down the drain. Get me some SIDETHORN before we forget real reporting ever existed.

Bringing new meaning to the expression "Pigs at the trough."

3:33 is right brother. Freaktown U.S.A. Obscene. Their hatred of children is beyond disturbing. ... And little Billy Bob! God help us.

When a nation of sheeple become totally full of shit, they lose their Bullshit Detectors! Fact. Side Thorn: Bullshit Detector Fully Operational! Good to go! (For "good.")

The horror... THE HORROR! How sick can your fellow Americant get? Just wait for tomorrow! It´s the perverse abuse of the child I object to most of all...

What transparent frauds and scum they are. Side Thorn for Department of Defense of Honor!

Exactly they are all doing this to leand people to there one world religion. Some of this is being funded by the Fetzer istitute

and what kid doesnt know his name?

ok ok...something is up...the woman is coaching the kids name. They are whispering in his ear. hrmm

I am sure the pentagram is just bonus spell casting

Havent started grieving yet? What do these people get for selling out our country. Must be a black amex card or something.

sick sick. brainwashed fellers. We all love you Side Thorn and C. Granny. Man I wish there were 5000 others like you guys.

The US is infested with rats

Looks like Farmer Brown planted corn 🌽 and not 10 bodies in a casket. You’re FIRED!

Sellout bible thumping TRAITORS!

Thanks , that was awesome , thanks so much for all you do !!

Ooh, my beloved Ted Gunderson is in there. I start my wake up journey with him (December 2013). I have listened to EVERYTHING on Internet with him (for weeks at my work).
