Kys : How about you lick my nuts you shill bitch ?
$100,000 to any of these grief stricken families. We are here to lighten their load. Proof first. Then we make them rich.
This is actual bs. What are you trying to achieve. Honestly these people are going to so much shit rn and you’re brain washing these stupid americans into believing that this is ok. Like yea, I get it, you’re an idiot, you don’t have a life, you like making people feel like shit and gj you’ve achieved your purpose. So how about you fuck the fuck off and stop causing more pain for these people.
Crisis actors don’t like to be exposed do they... Bawhahaha
Holy shit I didn’t know we still had rv making videos?
"That was my daughter...she had a little rant" LOL!
ST: Cool as a cucumber
It seemed like the conversation started out so well. :/
Not to mention they emailed me with a number to call and chat first .
Stop harassing my family – but I don’t tell you who I am.
I agree with the title.
"Real" Sorrow = motherfucker, fucking, go to hell, show it up your ass ++
Glad you are putting them on here too .
Absolutely wonderful recording. The woman is really afraid. She knows you’ve seen through the bluff. She sounds completely desperate. Good that you tell her that she can being called into hearing. These crisis actors are otherwise so brave and tough when they know they have people high up that backs them. She can go around an be afraid to be exposed, she deserves that.
Wow, she is pissed. Pissed that she has been outed... Hahahahaha
Thanks brother , can’t wait to meet the dike sounding trash !
Angry demon . Way to go side thorn. Stand firm.
Or maybe I’ll change to say that he looks like a drug addict (so I’m not get sued).
I’m not surprised. This is a full blood idiot. He is also a drug addict. He doesn’t even manage to keep his eyes open when he makes his videos. Half-closed eyes and slow speech. And he use the calculator as it suits him. Guaranteed a state-paid individual. A traitor.
All you need to see that this is fake is the fact there is no rebar to be seen. There would be no way possible for all the rebar to have fallen into the hole. Most likely it would have been all but impossible for a car to even have fallen in. That floor would have had rebar all throughout, even if the concrete had cracked and fallen through, the rebar would have remained. Unless of course some jet fuel had been poured on it. Then of course it would melt like butter.