
Isn’t it funny that Sandy Hook uses a tree just like those kibbutz in Kalamazoo and Danbury the NSA is better.

I would say he’s more on the puppet strings of rome

Thank you. Downloaded as well and grab what you can from MSM now before it gets scrubbed.

My father always said the Assad and his father worked with Israel secretly. My dad was a Lebanese Christian journalist and professor

They are also using DEW weapons on me and other TI’S.

Also it was the first day for this route . As soon as i saw this on the news I was thinking another staged event.

Thank You!

Peekay hits the nail on the head !!

Unfortunately people are Coincidence Theorists but Conspiracy Denial​.

I didn’t see anything that looked like a fire. Seems strange they didn’t show the footage as the building caught fire. Yet it seems like an awful lot of trees also remained unscathed right by the building.

Here comes the go fund me pages....thank you! Yes

very good very good lengthy applause!!!!!

Here it is...I put baby ISIS at the very end of this video if you want to see her.rnrn

That Baby ISIS is none other than Bryan Spear’s daughter Lexi. Yes..Lexi Spears....a niece to Britney Spears. The Spears do all kinds of government acting jobs including some of the ISIS stuff.

Then we have the fake Smelliot rodgers event going down while Janet napalitano runs an active shooter drill on her campus, Las Vegas where the same Hotel had an active shooter drill going down, Pulse nightclub, Ft Frauderdale, TSA shooting hoax, and on and on and on! Just another coincidence

stagedwhirled unfortunately your are a dumb azz cause people with a 3digit IQ have caught on that every time we see a nationally covered event like this, and there is a drill for the exact same event that unfolded, that we dig into the story and find it’s a total fake event! Some of the events we know happened in the same time frame as their drill for the exact same event, Sandy Hoax,Boston smoke bomb, Cassidy Wolverine Stay they

So this is a real train wreck story. Fortunately like every other tragedy a drill for just such an event was going on nearby. You couldn’t make this stuff up, or could you. Let me guess Cris Isactor was among the victims. I bet he ha a go fund me page up and running already.

Wow doesn’t that just figure hahahaha

That church ain’t Holy