
He thinks about everything he says and never gives an answer just very open replys that can be taken to mean anything like what God is he talking about or faith and trust in what and he admits to trying a new solution as the old one don’t work kind of final solution sounding.

Seems that after 911, there was a switch from real deaths to crisis acting. Can check when these companies came into a REAL being and the time line is very close AFTER 911. Also, if you have 10 people killed and they are real.. they have 20 REAL parents and or loved ones who ask questions. Nothing more gets to a loving mother than a dead child. So they HAD to stop killing for real.. or at least control "who" got killed. Thus.. the phony show began... We cant have 100’s of pissed of moms going to the gov asking questions.. this becomes their new LIFES work as it were... and thats not good for the terror biz.. IMO :)

Looks more like a horror scene then regularly mourned fresh flowers or mementos just left since day of funeral.

This is so crazy!!!!

I´m a great Gene Rosen fan. Nice Video

Look at the smile on her face strange don’t you think .

Bullshit show everyone the scares .

LOVE IT!! Welcome.

The mother is a tranny also. Nice work. Subed

Traitors everywhere.

Where do I find this GoFraudMe-pages? I really want to help the VictSims in Las Bogus.

Another great video .

Great video and that dude is a 100% liar he knows the shit is fake

Lol nobody cares what you think so there’s that...

Wow putting the puzzles to gather .

Now we know where those reports of injuries at the hospitals are from. forgot these :)

Check the shadows... Compare to time of "event"..they cant fake those ;)

I miss old sesame street. lol. thanx man :)

Never makes sure off the kill.1 in the head to make sure if you an assassin yes?.