
Lol nobody cares what you think so there’s that...

Wow putting the puzzles to gather .

Now we know where those reports of injuries at the hospitals are from. forgot these :)

Check the shadows... Compare to time of "event"..they cant fake those ;)

I miss old sesame street. lol. thanx man :)

Never makes sure off the kill.1 in the head to make sure if you an assassin yes?.

That’s it.

I’m here and I’m listen and all I’m hearing is good stuff!!.

Funny as shit. That’s a classic.

There’s the "hero" chillin’. Fucking fraud.

We need Tim over here on 153News.

Tim’s been kinda quiet lately.

She’s got great eyesight to see all of these things at the sametime.everything going in different directions.

Hidden camera and mike and your gonna catch them with their guard down. Like project veritas.

I believe after 9/11, they realized, killing people, was not good. To many relatives that could speak, people that could sue, etc. In short its an out.

Thanx man!

Hrm.. this same company who makes "self driving" vehicles. Check here. .. Wonder if this was indeed one under remote. :/ Thanx for up

(First day I open my mailbox). At least go to jail. + This is cool. The song in the end of video (The puppet show) – Conspiracy Music Guru wins video award...Flat Earth Man wins video award at the Flat Earth International Conference 2017:

BullShit 😂😂😂 Yep, I’m all broken up inside lol... Glad to see y’all here!