
Very humble well done

The world is a game of chess, and these people move events in the world like pieces on a chess board .

Psalm33: For the word of the Lord is right and true;rn he is faithful in all he does.

psalm 33 : 4: FOR THE WORD OF THE LORD IS RIGHT; AND ALL HIS WORKS ARE DONE IN TRUTH! How is it that a man of god a pastor at that, thinks that going against god is going to end up well when he meets his maker?

I’m a targeted individual which means the fed government has put me in a "gangstalking" program. I am followed around 24/7 by multiple drones ALWAYS no matter where I go and I also get gangstalked by random people called perps when I go out in public. The drones serve as a tracking tool and I also believe they are being used to slow kill us targets with electromagnetic frequencies. They are basically radiating us to death over a period of time. This is happening to 1000’s of American citizens without due process of law. The fed government has declared war on us. I will shoot these drones down soon and will be uploading the videos. FUCK TERRORISTS!

Good one. I had to hunt this down since I didn’t get to see it on GooTube. The script was simple. Divide and conquer. Get millions of people killed while complying with the Balfour Declaration creating a homeland for the Rothschild pieces of trash. Escape to Argentina and live the good life.

well with the death of net neutrality yesterday, there can be no denying that such discussion of this kind of subject matter is on the jew shit list. as well as any and all criticism of the terrorist jewish state of israel. too many people are waking up to jewish power

Jews or Jesuits ?

Awesome to see you here! At least you can speak your mind on 153!

Those are some real nice dogs Mike. I’m in the fight with you. Thanks

Very interesting indeed. Thanks

Classic Barry Soetoro. Thanks!

Not sure if it’s my phone or not but I hear no sound.😣

I get mad to on the corperate media,what telling all those lies.rnPeople what get attention on the corperate media are all controled desinfo agents.

0:33 minrnFirst eyes closhed>rnThen open.2 sec later.rnJust a act.

The Raw Deal FF of the Week 12 12 17: "YouTube Investigator Anaconda MaltLiquor has provided som footage of bicycles being crushed by a machine and run over by a tank, which look great compared to those on the bike trail mangled by Saipov.".

Dead Giveaway!"Where did the “Manson family” live? The SPAHN’S MOVIE RANCH! Wikipedia tells us it was “used for filming generally Western-themed movies and television programs. With mountainous terrain, boulder-strewn scenery, and an ’old Western town’ set, Spahn Ranch was a versatile filming site for many scripts.” Hmmm. That’s curious, wouldn’t you say? The perpetrators were living on a movie set.".

"We are told that Mr. Spahn allowed the Manson family to move in rent-free in 1968. So nice of him. Then as now, old ranchers just love young hippies to hang around, smoking dope, shagging each other, and creating big piles of trash. Also convenient for the government is that all the buildings and sets were destroyed by a fire in 1970, preventing anyone from doing any forensic work there. I would say the best guess is the CIA was paying Spahn to set up their patsies there.".

Yes! If you abused a political expense fund – just bring in the dog. I must admit that this was a brilliant step to take. So easy to fool people.

"A 1999 poll of leading communication scholars ranked the address as the sixth most important American speech of the 20th century -- close behind the soaring addresses of Martin Luther King, Jr., John F. Kennedy and Franklin Delano Roosevelt.The "Checkers" speech wins this high rank for one stand-out reason: It marked the beginning of the television age in American politics. It also salvaged Nixon’s career, plucking a last-second success from the jaws of abject humiliation, and profoundly shaped Nixon’s personal and professional outlook, convincing him that television was a way to do an end-run around the press and the political "establishment.".