
Lets Rock and Roll Boys and Girls. We do not need any medication or drugs . 10 Conspiracy theories that turned out to be true.

Lets Rock and Roll Boys and Girls. We do not medication or drugs . 10 Conspiracy theories that turned out to be true.

All one big happy evil family . They sure don’t represent my God !

Would have needed ear plugs !

Stop mass shootings? The meant active shooting drills all over the country. Task: Mental Disorder Agenda + People Grab + Disarming US + Show the need of FBI + Motivate higher budget to the Police districts.

Sutherland Springs Sheep Convention...

Good to know brother. We know this club of deceivers are all part of this psyop!

I heart your Nazi videos! Jesuit educated Roman Catholic Joseph Goebbels, "Some lies are as useful as bread!" he proclaimed by virtue of a moral relativism extracted from Ignatius of Loyola’s writings. Nazi Member of the Reichstag, 1928-1933. Reich Minister of Enlightenment and Propaganda, 1933-1945. Reich Commissioner for Total Mobilization, 1944-1945. On May 1, 1945, he poisoned his six children, then shot his wife and killed himself to escape the advancing Allied armies.

Lets Rock and Roll Boys and Girls. We do not medication or drugs . rn10 Conspiracy theories that turned out to be true.

Agent "Pastor" Pomeroy denied he was a Mason to my face and said he actually preaches against it but we found the lodge in Sequin , right down the road . VICE cut all that conversation out . Of course now we know the demon was just playing for the cameras .

At 2:00 Masonic "M" hand sign.

Lets Rock and Roll Boys and Girls. We do not medication or drugs . CONSPIRACY THEORIES That Turned Out TRUE.

Yes, I have seen it. I covered Taco many times in the past.

Emi: provide a link to your story.

I have answered the question a thousand times. You are too lazy to watch my videos where it’s explained.

Vinnie Barbarino "up your nose with a rubber hose". He never hit it real big after Welcome Back, Kotter. They tried to force fame on this guy because the public realized he wasn’t a good actor. He gets one or two movies worth mentioning, like Pulp Fiction, other than that, he made enough money to buy a jet and park it in his driveway.

All I know is that John Travolta likes young boys, a person who was like 17 years old by the time, told that Travolta stopped on his car and flirted with him and then wanted him in the car to do "things" lol. of course on magazines he likes women and all that, just a character made by Hollywood.

If Christine Leinonen had a daughter........

Allegedly snoogle cleared 8 million vids deemed..unacceptable...

Hey RV, in that recent Taco Bell commercial advertising the Illuminati is unbelievable with all of its symbolism and even calling it the Illuminati(well slightly coding it by calling it the belluminati). I mean they are being more bold and ruthless with throwing this propaganda right in our faces-although the general masses will not get it. So they are really trying to push the NWO and their masonic agenda. With that being said, besides mockery, why do you think they are really being more and more blatant about this? Thank you. Here is a clip of it in case you have no seen it: