
Posted on youtube:

Excellent , thanks for sharing !

Remember this back when had a tv.. lol... I wonder RV, have you ever looked into the boys role in this? Same kind of thing as this - I will upload here.

damn you know its good when you have to pause it to stop cringing. Let me guess this is recent because they have to keep rehashing their fake juju and reprogram the gullible viewers.

Removed your dupe comment. this is your OP.. and the right to it.. gotta love word subsequent.. it brings nothing but sounds cool. This evidence to be presented here will not be work of a shill.. its just evidence.. Maybe you share yours?

Agree.. and host was on it... Need more guys like this to speak and shut trolls of first sign of being a bonehead

the YT channel is plastered all over the video man-- top left of screen is water marked,,,,

Correct VOR...And this "live forever" agenda they want.. Not from a real source but a source of very bad news. Most adults will know better but the agenda/script is being pushed on the children.. this whole "ball" thing..Somuch there not many are looking at.. I hope guys outside of the JFK series here can take a good look for eveyone. they all very good researchers. start with peter thiel> palantir and go from there.. Also.. involve pence in this as he is a player like bush was under ronald potus. I hold position on RDS for now. He needs to show somethigs.. IMO

Thanks Gus! This was a really good one in my opinion. Very interesting guests.

Posted on youtube:

I saw this video a couple times before on YT but could not resist watching it again. I love how you zing, more than anyone, Mark Dice. I seriously cannot stand this pompous megalomaniac ramrod as well. He has one of those faces/personalities you just want to punch in. I love how you say, Mark slice ’n’ Dice-can’t stand this guy, slimeball. I would seriously pay big money to see you two get into a spat and see you punch him in the face. I would loveeeee it. Bet he wouldn’t put that fight on his controlled channel.

man that is some jewing them down tactics. sorry but got to call a spade a spade on that one. A commercial airline ticket would be what less than 500 but instead goes for a charter to see her fake victim son. beyond shameless. Can’t even cry or show a different picture. Great work Jeffersonian as always.


100% brother! TV news is nothing more than a movie.

Thanks for the vid - never would’ve caught this

Posted on youtube:

I can’t wait for the movie to come out.

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Thank you for sharing this, the only one who will put an end to this evil world is God. Man can not do a thing about it , as we all born into sin and slavery. This is Lucifers world right now, but not forever. His time is short.

If that is the same guy, guaranteed he was a hardcore tweaker A couple of months in jail after clacking hard for years will make you fat fast.