
100% divide and conquer.

Yes, I made a video about that a few years ago. Like a "cookie."

Yes, that is why I’m done with them.

Yes, people just try to make excuses as they go along like Steve McWorm!


So who is He lying?And why?Antisemitism is hostility to, prejudice, or discrimination against Jews?The rise of Christianity greatly increased hatred of Jews. They became seen not merely as outsiders but as a people who rejected Jesus and crucified him .

It now appears the moon is flatter than the earth. We only see one side, a Pizza. Ha!

Those guys are definitely getting paid by someone. If the globe was real, there would be no reason for them to go against the flat earth by trying to deter people from it.

Those debates are a distraction and don;t do you a bit of good. I don’t watch them anyway because I already know the answer.about NASA. You’re doing well enough without that crap.

Anyone who doesn’t know about government conspiracies is not qualified to debate.

To TTIS. Side Thorn has renovated a house and he got a good offer on it and sold it.

I post this again – Sutherland Springs exposing videos. Proof of foreknowledge, watch this: Part 1 – , Part 2 – , Part 3 – , Part 4 – , Part 5 –

Videos with cute cats playing in front of a mirror don’t belong on 153, because this type of videos doesn’t get a strike on YouTube. People having sex with animals – it is no interest for 153 to have that kind of video on. Snuff movies were children got raped – this is the fastest way to get the platform shut down. Also videos showing step by step how to cocking drugs at home – use another platform.

153’s focus on state sponsored terrorism or if you want to use another world for this staged events.

Censorship. I think it is a lot of confusion about 153News being a censor free platform. I want to explain this, as I understand it. 153News was created because same guys got their channels deleted over and over again on YouTube. If someone put up a videos exposing the fakery in Barcelona Truck attack or in Las Vegas, YouTube remove this videos. But on 153 this videos stays. 153 wants videos that is so good that it proofs that this terrorist attacks and school shootings are staged events.


Yup... a real rubber Johnny

Your probably right but they post videos on 153news that I have to defend.

Here’s a link to my extensive article on Sutherland Springs. See if you can find anything that might help -

Bitchie from Boston is a shill/crisis actor. Chemtrails are real.