
There’s even people walking towards the lorry. That doesn’t make sense either.

One of the best documentaries about Sandy Hoax. Right up there with Sofia Smallstorm’s Unraveling Sandy Hook. Thank you and God bless.

I do not think the Soccer team trapped in the cave story is real .

Robert David Steele is a fraud..Once CIA always CIA..He is completely full of crap..

Total BS .

What I have noticed about these fabricated stories with made up characters is that they always show pictures of 2 different people as 1 person. They claim its the same person but the pics are years apart. I think they do that to cause more confusion. Just like the stories aren’t consistent.

Green Screen interview . He is a Fake .

He’s gotten worse than that you could not put that on here. He’s has been stalked and harassed day and night. The last time I spoke to him was the night before his arrest. He told me things that aren’t repeatable that these actors were saying.

I like the intro music . And the rest.

Later photos show those "graves" collapsing in .

LOL!! Of course "she" is. That’s how these people role. If the masses really knew the truth they would freak out on these Baphomet freaks.

Snowden videos are always CGI. It used to be easier to see and people have found anomalies with his glasses and ears so yeah..fake video all the way around...I think the Snowden character is one of the first great experiments in CGI characters......the name always caught my attention...Snow Den... of course he is supposed to be hiding in Russia...hahahaha. He is actually a fictional media tool to teach people that big brother is watching. As are Assange and Chelsea Manning.

Earth is flat 100% homeboy.

I also thought it was a woman...just cause they said so......but, ugly can a woman be?

Thanks my brother.

He’s not even that. He’s just an Assange. Snowden is a fraud. Snowden in Russia and the MH17 hoax proves that Putin is a fraud, too. Putin knows Snowden is useless. And, he knows that there was no MH17 plane crash. But, Putin goes along with it...because, he’s all in with the ZWO. Snowden is really nothing more than character they were able to make a lame movie about...and countless bullshit stories to help fill the 24/7 Psy Opera called News. I seriously doubt that any real whistle blower has ever gotten any media attention.

Its a disease on YT the platform is pure shitty suckage. I only go there to use the restroom.

LOL, naaa but she sure is a ignorant witch of causing Lies/distraction/ and racism card tossing bitch.

Well done well said, and we will never expose these creeps! Why? because they have the power, and the sheeple are still sheeple!

Of course it is green screen, Entire Channel 4 is run by MI5