
That would have been bad news. You talk with people for 7 months and then you get betrayed. These people were all kicked off 153news and then run a revenge train and some not real smart folks bought it. Follow your heart and use your brain and you will figure it out.

By the way, Jerry asked me to hack computers. ‘get into the computers at this building 4601 Fairview Dr Austin, TX 78731´. ‘pull down curtain files we might be able to bring these people down. Just wondering’. He probably tried to set me up.

Well we shall see. Thanks for your comment.

Damn, you beat me to this one! LOL

Cheers! :)

YES! lol

Thanks, Easy. No doubt that "crisis actor shill" is a snake. He’s very transparent.

lol! Cheers Warhawk! :)

Bobby, from Total Recall "The Last Resort"

Freemartin – This theory holds no water because C Granny’s twin is a woman ... (originates as a female (XX), but acquires the male (XY) component in utero by exchange of some cellular material from a male twin).

JG. I have download 15 videos from First Baptist Church channel on YT.

Diagnosis. If suspected, a test can be done to detect the presence of the male Y-chromosomes in some circulating white blood cells of the subject. Genetic testing for the Y-chromosome can be performed within days of birth and can aid in the early identification of a sterile female bovine…… A new study by Lummaa et al.[8] shows that, for humans, the sex of a co-twin can have a large effect on the subsequent reproductive performance of females..…. Previous work on humans has suggested that, for female twins, having a male co-twin may lead to morphological masculinisation [11] and more male-like behaviours and attitudes later in life [12], but until now there has been no firm evidence of effects on ‘fitness’ measures, perhaps because these are commonly ameliorated by modern health practices…… rn .....

And now they pick up that C Granny is a twin. She has a twin sister. And Niven now has a theory that C Granny can be a Freemartin because she is a twin. (And I am the strange one).

So according to the guys ‘over there’ I am the strange one that spamming with loads of Sutherland Springs vid links. But they have no problem with that Spokeo Document that shows that Jerry earn 70k / years without leaving his living room.

What is the music playing? Sounds like 80s movie theme???

3) Tara McNulty – Texas MASSACRE – ..... 4) Keith Braden Alive In California – Texas Church Massacre Victim –

Thanks Chuck P that you remind me of the victims. We have videos here on 153: 1) Children Who Were NEVER BORN, Texas Shooter Killed – ..... 2) Grandma Saves Kid... From INSIDE of a PRISON!, Texas 2017 MASSACRE –’s obvious. He’s a part of it and shows up in the hospitals for photo ops. With Trump you lose. With Hillary you lose. All scripted bs. Either way we lose.

Well ain’t that some shit!

Or just ignore the wall of text thanks to 153news not allowing paragraphs, all I am going to say is that these countries you think and say are "3rd world countries" because somehow you are repeating what others say, are more free and yes they give more freedom than USA with all the "1st world country" label USA it supposedly holds. And that’s what politicians who are puppets like this AMLO want to take away, because that’s their mission, they won’t help anyone, they won’t do anything for anyone, He is another leecher opportunist garbage person puppet, but for example, and these puppet politicians are even allowing companies from USA spread agendas USA started, the same agendas that keep everyone a slave in their minds like in USA. That’s why there has been the term "one world government", and that’s exactly what they are doing with puppets like this and people who think democracy is good and positive, when they cast their votes and don’t even know who they are giving the power to. This presidential election in Mexico and many other countries it is just the result of the brainwashing that has happened for years and how they are trying to get rid of the few good things left latin american countries have.