
All your videos are truly AWESOME!

Werewolf, as for them having something to hide because they are threatening gaol sentences in New Zealand if you watch or share the photage, I think you’ll find that’s more to do with taking control of people’s freedom.

I might add that I had read other posts elsewhere that say "I can see shell casings hitting the ground". So I’m not the only one! Why would they fake it when you can go and do the real thing? You think these people like mossad or other agency groups are into faking. They kill, they do the real thing. The guys in jail for the rest of his life so why would he do a fake job for that. Throw his life away for a fictitious ploy to kill 50 people why? If you received goal is to spread terror then you do it for real.

Werewolf your like so many wanting this to be fake but it’s not. I understand how it’s more interesting if fake because then you can go off into a paranoid fantasy and threaten people. It’s not for me to point out times things occured. Not for me to prove to you. I’m just telling you what I see. You also seems little daft in your aggression because I never said that India or Israel or America wasn’t behind it. You seem confused. I have no doubt the sick puppy was trained he kills like it’s nothing to him he seems well versed in killing. What I’m saying is it isn’t staged he did the job and people died. And to stoop to try and scare me because you can’t handle my observations, wow. What is it that’s troubling you so much that you need to be so upset that it may be real I wonder?

thank you very much brother this video explains everything that i wanted to know about why the evil people changed it to sunday! i am young so learning everyday i asked you on youtube about sunday worship today truthgamer.. now after watching this video it has opened my eyes even more the rabbit hole is deep

Yeah your an angry man werewolf and why? What have I done to you ha? I see at least five shells hit the ground. Now in life people have differences and as an adult you must learn to cope, not call people mother fuckers and hope that they burn in hell.

thank you very much jason i know they push it on sunday so u know they are lying through their teeth i will not believe man who has change the law but the word of yahuah thank you jason once again i cannot express my gradtiude that you have helped many with this website and preaching the word of yahuah but yahuah guided me to you so thank you my brother

Ace. I missed this one on Jewtube.

Truthunveilled777 is spot on correct. Sun worship is breaking the law. Truthtrundle...your on the right track. The path to our Father is clear when you read the Bible.

Actually none of what you say is Biblical. For people that say they are Christians and have never read the Bible, the Bible doesn’y say that at all. The Torah is all about keeping commandments and keeping a lifestyle of holiness. Over and over and over the Bible says to keep the commandments of YHWH. Matthew 7 clearly states that Yahushua aka Jesus the Christ says those who live without the law won’t be making the kingdom. After the blood of the Messiah, the Law is what its all about.

What I found weird at the time, or AFTER this event, was how the media protected the parents of "the shooters." If REAL, these people would have been excoriated and dragged thru the dirt, beaten by their neighbors, assaulted by motorists. It would have been NEWS. But, nothing ... hence, FAKE.

Looks like 22 side on. And you know how they love the 22 in March.

Love it AML

That’s brilliant !

Good shout !

That’s vile. BBC head of fake news.

Scripture clearly says the disciples took offerings and met on the first day of the week...not on the same day as the Jews. See 1 Corinthians 16:2, Acts 20:7 etc...Jesus broke through the confines of the law and we are free from it. We’re not free to sin (God forbid) but we can be made free from the curse and from the bondage to sin if we trust Jesus. We can worship Jesus any day of the week and twice on Sunday! Praise Jesus! :)

The parts on the mass casualty dummies are likely move-able. They may also be using some air filled dummies, cushions, stuffed parts and it all creates a sort of bounce if moved. To me the movement seems springy - like the object his arm shifts upon is like an inflatable part and it compressing and then expanding a bit while it is also shifting would cause a move-able dummy army to move along with it.

"is clear the man’s arm was not hit & I saw his hand move up & down" I get the impression it could be momentum which makes the mans arms shift/bounce. That the shootings with the intense air gun or whatever cause the pile of dummies to jostle and this could shift a mannequin part to move as the momentum causes the pile/bodies/body to sway/shift back & forth but here a sort of up and down.

"is clear the man’s arm was not hit & I saw his hand move up & down"