
Any way you might be able to tip in what an actual contrail looks like for comparison. It makes an easier case when you can show people contrails to not remain in the air for as long as these trails do...

Nice piece. I believe it’s all part of global Project Fear. I also believe these people are loosing. Too many awake, the NZ was a one-off and they shut it down before anybody with half a brain could tell it was total BS acting. Obviously never heard of VPN’s. Thank God for 153news. I heard the gun laws aren’t working. Only *37 firearms handed in. Only 1,199,963 to go!


Oh, ’high haze’ according to meteorology-whores

JL, I’ve been with you since day 1 with other ’names’ on JTube and again on here and I feel like I’ve known you forever!!! Wish we were closer!!! I’m way up in CanaDUH and there are more people asleep up here than ya’ll got down there! lol. Would love to meet you one day!!! :) Keep the faith, my friend!!!

HAHA Right on!!! Tel aLIE! The jew is the spawn of Satan!!!

he really underestimated his audience this time

life is amazing the way all things hidden, one day, get shouted from rooftops

observation. I called my coworkers sheep. they attacked me and it sucked. you can turn sheep into rams. that is my hypothesis

"Christchurch Shootings Enhanced Sound And "-----This video is shown on 153news front page but if i try to watch it it says "this video is private".

Most people don’t care. They’ve already forgotten it. In NZ they’re disarming the population using this false flag as an excuse. But people don’t care, even when confronted with absolute proof that the setup to the gun confiscation - and probably massive importation of mohamedams and black africans into NZ - was a hoax. Western men and women have one day attention spans now. If something wasn’t on the tv "news" that day they’re not interested. They won’t even look at it. If they say anything at all it’s just to call names ("you poor paranoid thing...") at the few who try to wake them up.

Everything we need to know is in their own words. We don’t have to assume or guess. It is so obvious to those with eyes to see and ears to hear. They tell you what is going on, are you paying attention? Or want to go back to sleep where it is easy?

"They piled themselves up in a corner just as anyone would knowing that seconds away they’d be dead."-----------------------Ha ha !

"More on the phony NZ shooting tape" --- That is absolute proof that the tape is fake.

Just my opinion, I believe this was meant to be called out as a hoax from the beginning to gain back some credibility for the media, just as they did with Brian Williams.

They aren’t going to kill real people and have some out there that knows a part was fake. Too many involved to go along with some dying and others playing. It’s like 9/11, and the empty towers without so much as refrigerator, computer, desk, or chair mat! They were empty, and the multiple fake dead that look like a twin of another fake dead. Fabricated deaths keep away nosey demanding family wanting justice

He has no shoulders then. I thought about that but the shoulder blades would stick out and that’s not happening. As soon as I found the videos of them pulling a bag of taters, then kicking it over, it confirmed it was a dummy

All of these shootings are so surreal!

Funny how we didn’t get to see the dummy being dragged that far up the street! All by design

They went overboard on the dummies for this hoax! I’m sure the crooked cops will repurpose them for their own use