
I think it was all staged, just like every other war. Watch this 7 minute interview from a lady who lives in Israel and 25 years ago worked in the IDF. She finds it very peculiar that they could get through the fences unnoticed. She said a cat would set off the alarms. Her name is Efrat Fenigson and her website is Interesting what she says, and I believe her. You definitely can’t believe what the news media puts out.

No question about it, we saw that the police will violate your rights that they swore and oath to the Constitution and God to uphold, at the drop of a hat (decrees and proclamations by Government) if told to do so as we saw during the PLANDEMIC.

It is quite an undertaking to overwhelm and take out Israel’s main battle tank the Merkava which I think is the one pictured in the report here, not that they can’t be, but I question it. Also the explosion of a building in the beginning of the video by what appears to be artillery fire and then having the same type of collapse as we saw on 911, and building 7, ironically this is being called Israel’s 911. It is my understanding that Palestinian citizens in Gaza have no rights and cannot work there or outside of there unless they are vaccinated, correct me if I’m wrong.

Under Israeli occupation in Gaza and elsewhere it is my understanding that Palestinians have no rights in Gaza and cannot work there or outside of there unless they get vaccinated, it is what I heard, so please weigh in if I’m incorrect about that.

Another amazing video from our 153 truth-friendly network. Food for the mind of the sheeple, tasking crew to translate immediately for my telegram channel. Meanwhile i am translating HISTW calling John Mina, chief of Police during the Pulse Hoax. Lol

leopards sweet germans are the best with tanks

you know when a german mercedes track is near. it rumbles. but a healthy growl. it shakes the ground and when it rolls by you see a sexy blonde with long hair manning the 50.

im sorry i delete my comments to revise them so it makes the conversation incoherent and its my fault. ill not do it anymore. yes its important to me to express to americans here esp in idaho and alaska and texas that germans are kind people and not what zionist jewish media portrays them to be

yes i never saw a reason for us to be there. the germans have leopard mercedes tanks. we could use that money here in the usa to pay reparations....

Thing is - that scenario can be changed quiet easily. Start growing your own food, teach others how to do the same, potatos/tomatos/etc. Divert and avert it. The pscyhopaths are trying to make you think there is only one option, but there is much more than that.

"We" have an incredible amount of powerful. More powerful than them. They need to resort to trickery to try and manipulate people. They are afraid of you, and others discovering just how powerful you really are. Hence the reason they tried to poison most people.

Yes the true story of Leo Frank n33ds to be told but never will. Its a sad fact that truth really has just a few breaths of life. It may just be life itself. That fraction of a chance.

The Germans never were the enemy. Sadly, newer generations of Germans, have been brainwashed into thinking that they were/are they enemy with allot of help from traitor Merkel. Jewish subterfuge in its finest, and most disgusting, form. Americans have our own traitors to deal with, but first they have to be recognized as such, by many more people.

A very good point, once again.

The last thing the NWO bunch wants, is people moving to the wilderness. They want eyeballs on everyone, and that only happens when people are crammed into the great metropolis.

Because someone "didn’t" film "correctly" I personally lost roughly $100,000 on one sad occasion. This lady is a fruitcake, but let’s cut her a break. She knows it’s her fault her ass is so big, but as with most Karens, it makes her feel psychologically better to unload on, (blame) another person. Her manufactured reason, (justification), is just incidental. Crotch rockets and big city traffic is a very risky mixture.

Can’t listen to anymore of this TARD. Would she have acted this way if it had been MSM covering this?

yes the au is under zionist attack. just the word zionist is sabbatian. they want to return but at the same time are conquering all these benevolent contries.

The World *Economic* Forum.... Perhaps these people could have given him some advice on how to run casinos.

Will the military come for our guns if told to do so?................ABSOLUTELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!