
Speaking of percents I was hoping to wake up and see the 94% -6% VIRUS ratio, again from the CDC and the Governments, admitting overkill and releasing us from this Draconian slavery. Haaaa!

If they came to MY house with a lame excuse like that, I’d be short a couple bullets and they’d be all out of excuses..

100 Percent

If Richy says its a hoax, then sooner or later his channel will go down like yours. With 500k subs probably he has a good income and i guess its really hard to give it up, so i dont have my hopes up for him telling the truth in the near future. Keep up the good work RV, much love :)

Can you explain what law did she violate with that post. Inciting to what exactly?


Those sharp, razor edged teeth are hard to miss.

Here is a link to the California Department of Public Health exemption to wearing a face mask. Print it, carry and show it whenever asked to wear a mask. Everyone can take advantage of at least of the grounds given, trouble breathing, and trouble hearing or understanding people when you cannot see their lips move when they speak

good stuff, gs... thanks, from day 1 here in seattle i told anyone who’d listen this was all orchgestrated for a multi attack on humanity.... many friends just this week said, ’you were right from the opening tip.’ just praying peeps are awaking!

Robin! Nice to hear your voice again, I haven’t come across a vid by you since your "How I see the World" channel was taken down on JewTube. Will look for you on Bitchute too. Thanks for all you do.

What a smart activist for FREEDOM! The rest if those pussies on the train with him should have all taken off their masks and supported him. Surprising how soft the police are in Russia, they seem to respect the people they work for where police in U.S. do not, they would have arrested him the minute they were called to the scene. Good going Comrade!, may we all follow your lesson and demand an end to this fake, Jewish, Marxist, Covid-19 conspiracy to bankrupt the world so that a few rich Jews can rule over us. We must all go without masks and there will be nothing the tyrants can do to stop it.

if someone had a website rated pg content. I would definitely want to visit it and that site might have ads on it. upload a kitten pic or a tree or a sunset oh how exciting.

for the millionth time it proves the tribe runs the msm bc we havent heard a peep on the smith-mundt stations.... had my YT channel wiped out years ago.

There isn’t an ad network alive that would keep us. I had some guy trying to get us to put google ads on here. I told him to check the content as I doubt google would let this last. Never heard back from them. Patreon has banned us, paypal has banned us twice, and I doubt I could take credit cards for very long if we tried. When you speak of the holohoax or question the jewish control you lose ways to get paid. We are really an outlaw rebel group compared to the sleeping dead.

run ads until you get the months rent paid then turn them off.

If on days we do 60,000 views, if everyone paid 5 cents a video view we could pay for 2 months in 1 day.

If you charge 1 dollar a month to watch as many videos you want and if you want to do post and watch charge 3 dollars a month Just 1 dollar for 60,000 views That is 60000.00 dollars and that is 3 years and 4 months of site service.

lol thanks! *sigh yt*

what the hell is a gym?

That’s why I decided to post it:)