
Cheers brother!

The Brix chick who just retired. There is the footage of her saying exactly there is no Flu anymore.

does the devil conceal himself from this world? No. They don’t need to conceal anything, if they can fool you into believing they are not real.

Sorry no man. BTW, nice video.


No worries. Cheers!

what is this called again? an act-whore? a press-tittute?

Also this morning dec 25 at 6:30 am the three sixes again they pulled off false flag in Nashville with vehicle ied.

Great video. I’ve been telling modern christians this for years.

you have to remember to be a good liar, fucking rotten bastard

And of course you can have your opinion! I got your note. Thank you brother. My suggestion is we should read the book...perhaps its not the master/slave setup you suspect. Much love and thank you for helping the site!

same as what boris johnson does.

Welp it only took a couple of hours and after running into the first hour with commenting being unable to post with red warning, I got around that by removing or adding a few words to the same phrase and kept posting, yet in just a few more hours I went back at it again and it let me post several times on several channels videos, but something new happened. Im always checking the ’newest comments first’ to see that my comment indeed posted before moving on to the next, however I found that instead of the red warning that it couldnt post - it just erases my comment, no matter which video I post on, bbc earth/news/microcosmos....nothing. Youtube Censorship. Can you guess what I was posting?

Sure, what happened to you?

and another person who hasn’t read it. perhaps prior to casting your vote, maybe you should read it once.

Thumbs up #16. Welcome back! I thought you were a goner. Can I upload in the near future?

These two I observed and found to be the only real ones, alot of others just had CGI planets going on or a cut picture with absolute black sky with no zoom or movement by camera like the starlink satellite nonsense - actually the same footage used for the starlink was also used for this event or at least same exact setup. Amazing how few independent viewers had videos to be found on yt when there ought to be thousands, yet all you mostly find are from the crackpot news channels. The 2nd video a person commented on how you could really see the bands on jupiter, I asked, ’well if you can see that then what about the obvious vibration wave effects from waters above the firmament? Why doesnt science tell you about that?’ Yeah the person got flustered. But, definitely check out Mikey Smith / Horizontally Appozed though!

My, how things become twisted through time. The OT is a manual on Master/Slave relations (can you say predictive programming?) and the NT is a yearlong trip through the Zodiac. Nothing "sacred" in it, just another book, like Green eggs and Ham. Don’t be deceived/misled. EDIT: And yes jason, I HAVE read it, multiple times. Let’s not make any assumptions, ok? You know where THAT leads.

Witchcraft and sorcery. There is a reason the King told you not to mess with it...

What really people needs to understand is that you REALLY need a tripod when taking pics and videos from so far away. The slightest motion will make everything blurry even with clear sky. rnrnThere are some AMAZING videos on youtube about this. It’s surprising to see this content here but it’s more than welcome. :-)