
Love it how they try to portray a potential murderer as poor and lonely like so many good decent people are in this world. This was part of the fake Trump presidency to allow for a real neo-fascism behind the pretext of fake BLM riots and fake Capitol gang, both CIA fronts, not to mention the fake pandemic

She looks into the camera because she wants to be discovered to be in a soap opera or film. She probably is avoiding humanity with the fake pandemic. She needs to go help the homeless

Look at the people filming this injustice when instead they should be bum-rushing the cops and preventing it. Your cell phone is killing me.

Is anyone really paying any attention to President Joe Bidet?

For new members. There is a series in 5 parts about Sutherland Springs here.<br><br>We Hoax Together In Sutherland Springs<br>1)<br>2)<br>3)<br> 4)<br>5)

We Hoax Together In Sutherland Springs<br>1)<br>2)<br>3)<br> 4)<br>5)

We Hoax Together In Sutherland Springs<br>1)<br>2)<br>3)<br> 4)<br>5)

Thanks for saving my day on such a shitshow circus. Soon we’ll be making covid butt plugs to save us all. Thanks for the Looney Tunes

Thanks for that. All a fony show with these ass holes, its clear to anyone who can actually think, that they have set all this up the stage, over exaggerated protective gear, far too many on one room, 4 or 5 pushing a trolley, bluing of faces, i didn’t hear any coughing did you, i still would rather side with the overwhelming evidence from ordinary people who took it upon themselves to go and see and film for themselves, i solute all warriors.

They are not even close to being finished..they now have Joe Biden sign back onto the Paris Climate accord so look for high gas prices, power outages, high inflation and food shortages to begin as they move to starve us all to least to all those that resist.

Go with what you know guy. If you think that, good for you. Personally I don’t underestimate my enemy or others, you stand less chance of being surprised or caught off guard. So I Run with the assumption they do indeed have things very advanced we know not of. Look at the insane progression of tech over the past 5,10,20 years. It seems disproportionate to me. I just go with what I am able to find looking into things and with what I can see and test myself. And I can say that I have seen and been doing some tests currently of thjngs I personally can’t explain but my current hypothesis is that what I am trying to figure out is very high tech indeed on levels that sheep will never actually believe. I use what I have available trying to figure this out wirh no budget going up against organizations with millions / billions pumped into these things. Funny how if it is that, I rendered billions spent on hiding these things from us as a waste with under $15 dollars worth of shit. Well $215 if we include my camera which I already had. Doesn’t mean just because they have shit they are smarter then any of us. Their science is weak, whack religious bullshit. Think outside the box as most truly woke warriors do. It’s how we are the way we are. We see things differently, and know there is always other solutions or ways to do things. One of greatest gifts humanity has lost more or less. Thinking for yourself how to solve problems. Amazing how your mind can work once you remove the cage it is trapped in.

Cool statement. I can say shit to and provide no backing to it. I can also speak in generalizations covering things that are each widely different. But I don’t. Because I actually try to speak truth and if I can’t back up shit I say I don’t say it. How about you guy? Or you just like running your mouth making statements of personal opinion? Seems everyone has an opinion of such matters. But what they fail to realize is their opinion is not truth is not fact. Is how they perceive things and just because people feel the need to always be right convince themselves their opinions are now facts.

I preach the full council if you want to hear what I preach and how and how souls are being pricked by the word of God, please contact me. We can’t teach a person to follow a set of rules without the spirit of the living God. This is what the Pharisees did. It’s why Jesus told Nicodemus about being Born Again. I would love to have an honest loving conversation with you on the phone or FaceTime. Share my testimony Along with my equal displeasure with the church today. Sunday worship isn’t even keeping the Sabbath. The 7th day is Saturday and is still Holy and is a day of rest. I think we agree on a lot of things. It’s just first a genuine state of repentance must Be achieved and a conversion to Christ must take place. Would love to share with you what God has showed me. I have spent countless hours researching real revivals dating back for the 1700s and they changed whole city’s, states and nations. The Church is messed up brother I was raised in it. I was raised Catholic it wasn’t till I departed this and repented from all sin that I recieved the Holy Spirit and a New heart. RV has my number get in contact with me

Jason keep hiding behind your keyboard. Any time you want to talk you know here i am. Your Gospel is being preached no where with any fruit, it’s of the Devil. You must be born again.

The schools need to be open but they need to stick their social distancing and masking up their asses.

lol, dem be fightin words

matt....dont bother with date sites. crazy women are on them. just work on yourself and forget women for now. this world situation is triggering womens emotions and no logic. not worth the waste of time and stress to even deal with these people.

i like working out 4-5x a week at the gym for 1-2 hrs each time. I do it cause it mentally releases my stress and i feel better..plain and simple...yea if my body looks ok then thats just a fringe benefit but not the reason i do it.