
Ask your yourself why we are being told about adverse vax reactions , diverts truthers i think, we should be digging deeper not swallowing there bait ,there baiting us with this shit , dont fear bullshit , they told us covid was real and we never believed them we called them liars but when they tell us people are dieing from side effects from vax we believe ,for some reason we are being told about adverse reactions from vax , once a liar always a liar , even the truth movement can be infiltrated remember ,dont fear bullshit do not concern yourselfith bullshit but only what you see with your eyes

Fear is the disease , vax propaganda and virus propaganda creates fear , meanwhile everyThing else is not being discussed , we are not here to scare each other , think past the bullshit,

Read from a script or screen ,feeds the great divide ,bait for for anti vaxxers , spread this and look stupid to the herd, maybe to put people off getting vax , either way this is no genuine slip up , maybe the vax isnt as harmful as we are being tlld , remember eveything is the opposite ,vax and virus is a driver for change , attention diverter , fear is the disease , truthers fear vax sheep fear virus , pre occupied with bullshit , control everyone with fear eqals change , do what the controllers dont expect dont fear vax or virus then you can think clearer.After there main aim is to stop us thinking . peace brothers, no fear

It wasn’t from a natural union, it was from artificial insemination we and don’t know who administered the shots.

this may be a lie.. the twitter name comes up with porn stuff

Family is always ready for their close ups. Since when would anyone want to have a camera in their face when grieving? The last thing you want is prying media

The aim is to create a fascist civilian police force using the pretext of ’diversity’. Many police precinct chiefs know what is planned

The police are armed to the teeth like soldiers and they create the fantasy that they are under siege by peaceful civilians

Agent Zulu. You’re still using the term ’tinfoil hats?. Don’t you know by now that you expose yourself when you say that>

who cares about the dam dog.

Through a good telescope, Jupiter, Saturn and the moon look exactly like they do in pictures. The sun is pretty interesting through a hydrogen alpha filter too. You can see the prominences (look like flames off the side) and sunspots in what looks like surface fire. Mars, Venus, Neptune and Uranus are generally too small to see much detail. Mars can be seen somewhat clearly part of the year. You can also photograph the ISS that people claim does not exist, although it is easier from Europe than the US. Try looking through a telescope at Orion’s belt. If it is dark enough out, you will see a glowing fuzz. That is the Great Orion Nebula (look it up). If you have a camera and a tracking mount, you can yourself take pictures like the ones you will see if you look it up. Anybody can see these things.

Little wonder we’re in the state we’re in with witless dumb people now saying the Earth is flat. Please fuck off and DIE.

Yeah, I’ve spent hundreds of hours and years behind telescopes and taking pictures. Nebulae and planets. Planets most definitely look like planets through a telescope. I have the “not cheap” variety. Astrophysics 130mm refractor, Celestron 11” SCT, William Optics 80mm, Astrophysics Mach1 EQ mount, SBIG CCD with two TECs and self-guiding filter wheel with Astrodon color and narrow-band filters in Ha, SII and OIII, 3nm bandpass. ZWO 1600 CMOS with TEC, auto-focusers, remote control. When you open a camera shutter and know how to align the telescope mount and track with the Earth’s rotation, you can take 30+ minute exposures with no blurring. Try opening a camera shutter with a telephoto lens for even 30 seconds on a stationary tripod and watch the stars blur an streak from the motion.

No, there are no other planets. Have you actually looked at one for yourself. Your planets look much different when you actually try to figure out things for yourself instead of just thinking some photo of something has to be true. Pretty different view one takes after getting even a cheap telescope or camera or even get a nice one doesn’t matter. But what you see and what they tell you you see are quite different. And no it doesn’t leave a lot of holes. There are numerous credible videos and documentation explaining each one. The ffact that think there are holes just shows you haven’t actually looked. And no people don’t know what is past the wall. Kinda hard to know that when no one can actually go there to see. But there are numerous accounts you can find which makes some ccases which are quite compelling. But hey i actually like to find my information and continue to expand it and don’t watch 5 minutes of shit and then expect people to answer questions for me. Guess I just am old fashioned and not one for letting people tell me how or what to think and rather go into material for myself and come out with my own conclusions. But hey man you do your thing. Best of luck on your journey

No. You clearly just buy into anything you hear without looking into them. Flat earth was known by every civilization from the past. The Cia as much as they like to think they can be everywhere. Did not exists then to run a psyop. They did however realize that fe was becoming more and more widespread and did their damage control of it. So they co-opted the movement with a bunch of retard shills who give you some of the facts about fe truth while then poisoning the well with ridiculous "facts" that are just nonsense which in turn makes people discard fe without ever really looking into it. And throwing out shit like it was a Cia pysop into the internets and watching the sheepies eat it up and come around saying it on comments without knowing anything about anything. Never actually doing their homework. Let’s face it anyone who spends even a couple days looking at legit fe stuff and using their head and conducting observations themselves understands. But Thanks for your super well thought out opinion buddy.. Your are just the kinda prey they rely on. As much as I would love to think you would see this as a wake up call of not falling for stupid shit, sadly it won’t even register and will keep up the same ol same ol endlessly being hoodwinked.

CGI is very recent. How did people see the same sky we do now before computers existed? I remember looking up at the night sky as a child 40+ years ago. No CGI. I’ve taken hundreds of pictures through telescopes. No CGI. There is something “out there” that corresponds quite accurately to what other people report seeing “out there”, and it definitely moves at a rate of one “cycle” every 24 hours with additional, and very predictable, cyclic changes over the course of 365 days. These things fit a model of the Earth being a sphere and orbiting the sun very accurately, even if it is not true. But something has to account for the accuracy, because it works precisely year after year. Of course, Ptolemy’s epicycle model worked with the sun orbiting the Earth too. It was just very complicated, and all of the epicycle fudge factors could be thrown out with the heliocentric model. A flat model leaves a lot of holes, like why does everything move predictably and cyclicly in a way that works perfectly in a heliocentric model? And what is after the big wall? And why does everything else naturally want to form a sphere or sphere-like 3D shape? (Other planets, water droplets, oil droplets, most organisms’ eggs, cells, etc).

They are all controlled by evil in the Great Lakes State !

Yes it was and on purpose I suspect !

FE doesn’t have a model, but almost those phenomenons can be explained, if the sun and moon are circling the earth, specially if you consider the sun as something, that travels between tropic along the year, moving not only daily in a east/west motion, but also north south and south north in half year cycles. Heliocentric model, for example can’t explain selenium eclipses, a pressurized environment next to an endless vacuum, neither how constellations are perfectly aligned with thousands of years ago positions, like egiptian pyramids testify.

No, they saw it coming and started a controlled narrative. That’s why the majority of the FE "big channels" are shills.