
leave Trump alone... do not compare the two.... so easy to think as you do... I bet you voted for Biden.... you love him - don’t you?

Thrreats.... covid-19... Nuclear... faux (created) threats to give pretexts to destroy nation states and human(ity)- rights, usher in military rule (police state)

Ok, can’t put emojis on here....

Kudos....big screen?, was supposed to be

Hmmm, frozen there, have to continue... Pull the plug before people truly realize and if it were possible, rise up. This, covid 19, threats of nuclear engagements with Iran, China, north korea and of course Russia. Why aren’t there more posts here about that threat?! It’s real. And despite the unworthy sentiment of Heston being an act- wh..., his movie’s, despite his political agenda, were iconic. Such as this one. And the cop angle, given such an edge by the savagery of depravity of that time in New york, elevated the context of the movie by showing how dire the forces if power and there control and goons, mirrors our own sad state! Edward G Robinson was great! Should’ve been nominated for the OZcar award.

are you a woman?

Kudos for bringing this to the big screen...? But what is usually missing most from this site is the true impact geoengineering has and is having on the world now! Though this movie doesn’t have that element, the driving force being industrial and human overpopulation pollution, and wasting of the planet, there is a direct correlation in the scene at the ’library’ the last vestige of records, at least in new York. Which the scholars uncover the dead oceans, plankton, et Al. And which, by default a destroyed food chain. This, if one ( and should!!!) subscribe to geoengineering as the greatest single factor for poisoning, eradicating, decimating, oceans, firmament, and the life therein should see the desperation by the power structure to start ’ pulling the plug’ of the way life has currently

in those situations it must be important to inform the police the illegality of that I believe one is the Geneva code I could be mistaken I don’t have that information in front of me but I believe there are other code I don’t know how it is in Canada but it must be important to confront them not just on the illegality but to direct them to the militant censorship of pertinent scientific information whether or not what they are doing is legal they are de facto enforcing non-existent laws and they are enforcing an emergency situation which is de facto martial law.

Okay we get it. Let’s do something about it besides just which is the best thing post them but let’s confront them.

So we are supposedly in the third wave , as they say india and CANADA are feeling it. I would think they’d wait for way more people to get vaxxed. Mexico just started. Would the deaths be from the vaccines kicking in or will 5g be turned up?

Just another thought but the narrative of “Clown World” and the Joker symbolism also pops into mind surrounding this carnival.....

Fucking clowns!!! NASA lies about everything!! Space x too!! And NASA lost all the blueprints to build all the shit again, and lost all of the videos of Course!!!! I don’t know anyone, that knows we didn’t go to the moon, that has taking the vaccine. #TheEarthIsFlat

Reminds me of that guys face the suddenly appeared next to the space shuttle as it’s doing some top science mission in space... What’s more they leave these mistakes in on purpose

Don’t you know that a tin foil art project went to the moon by firing booster rockets up against a vacuum to somehow create thrust, and then these men could carry mobile air conditioning packs that somehow vented the air into the same vacuum. Yep it’s dumb on purpose, they wanna confirm who can think and who can’t, imo with stuff like this

The cell phone facial ID is a weapon now.

I’m in AZ. I see all kinds of flags up in BHC when I’m out riding my bike. On vehicles and homes. American flags, Trump 2026, Don’t Tread On Me and Fuck Biden-Fuck You for Voting for Him.

Also forgot to add that the supreme court has taken up a Ruling on the Second Amendment regarding Concealed Carry. As we have seen before anytime there is an proposed piece of legislation introduced or they need a booster to demonize guns as a ruling is being made, Phony Fake Show shenanigans seem to follow:/

your content is great! definitely been awake for awhile but I’m still learning some things and one of the things you showed me was "purple" now I see it everywhere. thx brother!

Jim Carrey plays a dad in this one.

Exactly. Of course they have no idea what’s in the "vaccines". They’ve been eating all kinds of toxic garbage for decades with no idea what’s in that either. Add toxic media programming to that and their fate is sealed.