
My brothers are so far up Trumps ass it is ridiculous. They actually believe that if the election hadnt been stolen that covid wouldn’t exist anymore. They can not wrap their heads around the fact that he is a Zionist, Israel first puppet. Trump played his role perfectly. This country has never been more divided than now and that was one of Trumps main goals.

Those people have not yet begun to realise the true horror of what they have allowed to be done to them.

if misinformation was a problem, they’d just TURN OFF COMMENTING completely. NO, they love PUNISHING.

They are skilled at deception

Actually you might want to look at the video again, because I can clearly see the steel exposed part of the pliers adjacent to the part of the arm that would of received the needle.

Wow listen to the commentator, Borg collective

Great point/analogy toward the end. Comparing having immunity from these poisons vs accountability for speech. Just absurd. The jabs are certainly causing health issues and deaths with no accountability and questioning the jabs gets you banned and put on a list with no quantifiable proof it caused any harm.

Complete CGI garbage

John B Wells did a lengthy interview with Pekay on his program Caravan to Midnight exposing the Boston Bombing as total DHS hoax and yet that never went anywhere just like the Sandy Hoax School Shooting.

Trusted content = more lies, more brainwashing, more of the same.

Good to hear moms coming around.

James Holmes the New Century Theater shooter, but yeah.

A flying dick that only dickheads can believe in. Mockery in your face.

That’s the first time I saw it.. your right... Twilight Zone was laying down tons go truth drops to quote Mat McKenney.

These old videos tell us a lot more than most of the dis info and counter intelligence we get these days.

BZ1. I also recall that just a couple blocks over, on an adjacent street during the "Boston Marathon Event" , that ambulances were lined up for blocks. Apparently someone forgot to tell the EMT’s that the new method was to take all casualties to the giant white tent, "The Magnificent Thing" just a block away. The object of this video is to highlight how all this evidence is being erased from the easy access there once was and that a younger "truth seeker" may not reach a similar conclusion as the curious did, just a few years ago.

Black rock owns it all!!?they own everything!find out who owns Blackrock you got the big dogs

Shardnz ) - Your completely right, the knowledge some of us have sounds insane so those that have not got a clue, The elite know that the lie is so big most wont accept it. i am past the fear of wondering what people think of me, if they want to think i’m nuts and not listen or shove me to the side i’m don’t care, who needs friends as zombies, many are brainwashed, even people who i know have took the jab, i’m shocked who has, the people who i thought had some clout about them, have no brains. Hey, thankyou for listening, try stay sane.

None of the effects are my doing. I am simply rebroadcasting what I find. I dont have time to do vids like that anymore.

@Thisizwhack. The Synagogue Of Satan is the jews who say they are Jews but do lie. REVELATION 2:9 and REVELATION 2:9 KJV. Indeed , they serve Lucifer. I make reference to this hideous now 1000s of years fact in my first vid. Hope you can view friend. JESUS is LORD