
Comment testing-testing

Same in the UK

Same with the UKrn

Total satanist

One of the most stupidest people I’ve ever listened to for sure.

3:30 capitalism coming into full crisis with great depression? Bull. The great depression was manufactured by the fascistic Banksters to steal as much as they could. Look at them going about it the same way right now. First successful workers revolution in Russia my arse. That soviet revolution was designed and paid for by the western ’capitalists’/Banksters. And they stole all the lands from the Russian farmers. Hack the Russia didn’t even participate in the first war (not as a real power, but the war was great fogging excuse to unleash the revolution on Russian people) so that the international Banksters could achieve their goals unimpeded. Workers revolution my arse, it was facilitated by the crypto-jewish aristocracy and it was one of the many Banksters’ revolutions in the last thousand years. Yet another Banksters’ revolution and they stole and pillaged their slave working force for the next 70 years there in the Russia slave farm. In the inter-war period there was no crisis for the international fascist Banksters. They were never before more united and focused on raping the world slave farms as they were then. They could propagandize almost all slaves to fight each other cheerily without any opposition and these international Banksters by then controlled all the biggest corporations and financial currents. They weren’t called the Robber barons without reason. The only crisis I see for the international Banksters of that time was the fact that their slaves on farms around the globe had very little to be stolen, except the land. That is why the Banksters propagandized the American Dream illusion to all slave farms after the second war (cue Hollywood). They wanted the slaves to build some real assets in order there would be something to steal down the road, eventually. They paused the raping of their slaves for one generation, depending in which farm you center your point of comparison, and now they are systematically looting any accumulation of wealth that is ripe for the plucking. The whole world has been turned into one huge, organized milking system. So ... no, the fascism hasn’t had it so smooth-a-ride as in the last two hundred years. No crisis for the owners of the Money, no ups and downs for the fascistic cast. Only up and up and more and more. There was never any capitalist free market ideal allowed. And never any real worker’s collectivist system either. Both ideals were propagandized as being real alternatives and at the same time co-opted by the same fascistic Banking families. It is all non-stop fascism all the way back to Crusades and ’capitalism’ and ’communism’ are just two fictional figureheads of the same Bankster goldsmith-cohen’s co(i)n. I lost motivation for watching from here on.

Hes got it

why no

no commnets

this is a great

People that belch are real people! LOL Made me laugh!

People that belch are real people! Made me laugh...LOL

It must be OZ cos she says "outside of my 5k’s" which must be the 5km bullshit in OZ.

What sup anybody home!?

That’s why they are destroying crops etc cell towers and led lights are a weapon need to get chopped down! They will use them aggainst us...chemtrails needs to stop all oath takers do your jobs!

That’s how you tell if the "vaccine" is "working"!

I would lean towards a slammer or a heavy glass toker. She has seen some fast days in her life. Crazy living the meth life and giving a damn about masks.


Hepatitis forsure!!