
Scratching my head at both men. Fetzer was allowed on mainstream news and had a mainstream university gig...idk if he still does.... also, Fetzer mocked a plane earth and didn’t touch on any real points that people have for it... that might be a moot point either way.... Gary King - I don’t know much about him. I hope both of them seek our Father and find a way to overcome the lies of this world, seeking true repentance, as I hope all of us do. Shalom brothers and sisters.

Cannot understand. Looks like hand covered the lense just fine.

They want to end "Christianity" because it is no longer an effective way of controlling the masses in he modern world and "Scientism" with it’s main weapons, "climate change" and "viruses" are seemingly undefeatable weapons to beat us with. All religions are and always were control mechnanisms and will continue to be used to the detriment of society as a whole and the benefit of the ruling elite. The ruling ’elite’ plan to give us a messiah who will rule with a rod of iron and he will do their bidding in accordance with "revelation" and the entire Christian world will fall for it. It’s horrifying to contemplate what they are about to unleash.. they seemingly have all angles covered. If there really is a "God" we must all hope that he/she is nothing like the vicious tyrant who is portrayed in Leviticus. I emplore everyone to go and watch Charles Giuliani’s comprehensive expose of the Bible and the evils and nonsense contained therein..

You caught that. It was the main reason I uploaded this video.

Anyone cate to look at this. The article just popped up in my newsbreak. Feels completely false flaggy, it happened iin cincy, but the alleged victim is a banker, it happened durring a bank robbery, 4 killed, yet she survived 12 gun shot wounds. Check 9it the date the insider edition vid from youtube. I live in ky and i never heard of this one. She of course she strted a grassroots group amd now shes using theae probably lies hr4310 modernized smith mundt act of 1948 of 2012, trying to get red flag laws passed here in ky. Welcome to Satans upside down clown world. Caint waiit for the 2023 edition has in store. Just seeing the husband pretty much sealed the deal. Poster boy libtard douche, wow

Hey if you kept digging downwards into the earth, would you eventually fall out the bottom?

Ahh, the 70’s: pink micro-dot THC, chocolate organic mescaline, window-pane and blotter acid, crystal meth and coke. I don’t drive that car anymore, but what a ride.

I thought they wrapped a potato in aluminum foil and put it in the microwave

It was the winter in Australia last June.

Hugo you do an excellent job decoding their siopps! Does this make you a bad man because you are able to think critically? Apparently you have a shortage of mercury and aluminum in your brain? Because yours Still Works! lol nice post!! Thank you..

Virology is like astronomy, political science, islamic-terror and official history. It’s all just fake, artificial and contrived areas invented by the elite. The have created whole "universes" that people can devote their careers to, but which are absolutely fake and false. Like inventing a computer gaming world. The large telescope in argentina, actually has a supercomputer a few miles from, where all the "scientists" work. Their prestigious careers are nothing but tinkering with a computer software program, which they believe is outer space.

Nobuddy seems to notice No buddy seems to care! They are Comming for the food!

What it brings to my mind is the movie Alterted States, a Ken Russell film starring William Hurt, where he takes some kind of hallucinogen from Indian Shaman’s and goes on one hell of a wild ride.

Me too, but in the 90’s. Came from Kentucky, but I lived in Chicago. Look that one up.

What’s damn hilarious is these two cunts stole nothing because it never existed. Blockchain tech is all about ones and zeros and man made AI. It’s all fiat currency and a bloody distraction from the shithole that America is…

Has anyone ever seen this as one of the first moon landing hoax videos ever made?

Oh, it sure opened my friends mind......

hallucinogens are fun and mind opening.