Beware of Canada!
This is the true story of how we were infiltrated by an officer from the police department in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Using her family as a bright example of indoctrinated corrupt citizens, we demonstrate that the government is a violent structure built with a single purpose of providing for the upper class; we also show you the way out this matrix.
- Category: Brainwashing/Indoctrination,Citizen Journalist /Fact Check,Conspiracies / A secret plan ,Government Lie
- Duration: 01:35:21
- Date: 2018-11-14 01:37:02
- Tags: government, canada, trudeau, corruption, foreigners, immigrants, culture, patriotism, chauvinism, entitlement complex, sense of entitlement, status quo, snobbism, niceness, old stock canadians, hypocrisy, culture of hypocrisy, infiltration, foreign threat, hoaxes, government lies, jewish deception, there are no countries, world deception, nazism, nation of liars, jewish mindset, sex trap, women trap, subordination to women, corrupt morals, right and wrong, know your self, stop obeying
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