Something Big Has Happened!
[MIRROR] from The Corbett Report / James Corbett
The ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi saga.
Something Big Has Happened!, Oct 29, 2019 -
The Dissembler-in-Chief took to Twitter this past weekend to let the world know that "Something very big has just happened!" We now know that that something was a daring special forces raid that ended in the death of Osama bin Laden! . . . Or is that Abu Musab al-Zarqawi? Or maybe Abu Omar al-Baghdadi? No, no, it was Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi! Honest! We took DNA evidence before we threw him in the sea! Find out about the unlikely story of Baghdadi's umpteenth death in this timely edition of The Corbett Report podcast.
Trump tweets about “something bigâ€
President Obama on Death of Osama bin Laden
President Trump Delivers Remarks
Trump Approves Special Ops Raid Targeting ISIS Leader Baghdadi, Military Says He's Dead
Watching the Baghdadi raid in the Situation Room
Watching the Osama raid in the Situation Room
How Commandos Could Quickly Confirm They Got Their Target
Russian MoD Does Not Have Reliable Information on US Operation in Syria to Neutralize Baghdadi
Episode 295 Who Is REALLY Behind ISIS?
Wikipedia entry on Baghdadi
ISIS Leader's Ominous New York Message in Doubt, But US Still on Edge
Iraq's ‘al-Qaeda chief' arrested
Al Baghdadi's death: Reports may be true but ISIS is not over
Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi ‘seriously wounded in air strike'
Islamic State figures killed in air strike; Baghdadi not believed among them
ISIS leader Al-Baghdadi killed in US-led air strike
ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi reportedly poisoned
Russia claims it may have killed Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
Propaganda spin cycle: ‘Syrian Observatory for Human Rights' is funded by US and UK governments
ISIS Leader Baghdadi Really Is Dead This Time, Syrian Rights Group Says
Isis leader Baghdadi dispells rumours he has been killed in airstrike with new message to supporters
ISIS Already Has a New Leader, But Baghdadi May Not Have Been Running the Group Anyway
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- Category: Fictive Person/MadeUpCharacter,Fairy Tale/Imagination/Fiction,ISIS / ISIL / IS / Al-Qaeda,Muslim Boogeyman Psyop
- Duration: 28:54
- Date: 2019-11-03 11:12:13
- Tags: isis leader, abu bakr al-baghdadi, saga, made up character, puppetician, trump, puppet, obama, isis, psyop
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