
Mowac thumbs his nose and gives 153News the middle finger in another parting shot.

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Sorry I didn’t get Mowac’s response clearly centered in the video which says 153 blows, New Zealand shooting exercise. This has has already been covered here but I thought I’d do this clip showing Mowac’s parting shot at 153News, I also wanted to point out that the shooting was reported at 7:22 and 3 were killed, there is your 33 but that is just a coincidence, Right?, Also passerbyers seem relatively calm while the police are acting in their usual frantic manners we so often see in these events, also these rapid shots are not from a pump style shotgun, they would like you to believe that all firearms shoot too fast and we need to adopt Creepy Joe’s idea on a double barrel shotgun and eliminate the rest but of course they will never be satisfied, not here, not New Zealand, or anywhere else. Link where it can clearly be seen.


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