
Is Big Brother Watching You?

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I just want to start off with saying that I'm probably one of the dumbest people in the truth movement. My speaking skills suck, I ramble on sometimes, I'm just a messy guy all around so don't think I'm trying to build myself up to be something I'm not. As of late I've been experiencing what I would consider electronic harassment in which it feels like someone or some AI program is dropping hints that big brother is watching and he ain't pleased. I try to lay out a few examples in this video but there are others I could go on about. I'm basically just reaching out to people within the community to figure out if it's just me overthinking things? Or if others have experienced similar or other happenings? I apologize if I sound stupid in this video, I am legitimately asking you all.

I know by doing this kind of thing we put a huge target on our backs. The powers that shouldn't be have a list of names of people they will come after when they get the event that finally justifies suspending the constitution and implementing full on Martial Law. To be honest I'm of the opinion that if there's going to be a despotic one world government.that places me in an awful system, wage slaving in a heavily controlled environment, disarmed and defenseless against their will, that I'd rather be a dead man.

See I come from an shitty, abusive childhood, I've been at rock bottom down on my luck fearing everyday of another beating. In the school system I got abused too, everyday In a non stop loop. I know first hand what it's like to be defenseless and hopeless not knowing if I have a future worth living. If there's a breath in me I'll be damned, >if I can help it<, If let myself, another child, or another person go through that in any way shape or form again regardless of the repercussions.

Guess what I'm saying is I'm in for keeps guys, and am not easily intimidated cause I know what's at stake.

Got to carry that weight...


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