NEXRAD Electromagnetic Radiation Spikes Update - 04-09-2019 #RidRad
[Mirror] from Victurus Libertas VLTV
Published on Apr 9, 2019
Some of the worst I've seen in Texas since I have been monitoring these spike anomalies and a rogue dagger going through the middle of Nevada.
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We are treading in uncharted waters as we continue to be inundated with harmful low intensity radiation and microwaves. The science is out there. We are going to disseminate the information to the public via our new channel and website: Rid Rad
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- Category: 5G/Technology/EMF Electromagne,Health Concerns
- Duration: 05:42
- Date: 2019-04-10 11:19:26
- Tags: emf, electromagnetic field, nexrad electromagnetic radiation spikes, health concerns, 5g
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