
Lucifer The King of Bablyon is the Prophetic Popes of Rome

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Please try not to fall for new age madam blavatsky Lucifer nonsense. They are all pope worshippers whether they know it or not. Our world leaders are just silly old men they are not working with fallen angels. If you learn Bible symbolism you will realize Eden is a state of mind from which this man has fallen. Try to stop reading Roman Catholic superstition into the text.

Our world leaders may believe Lucifer is a fallen celestial angel but they are wrong. They have not studied theology for 30 years non stop like me. They are spiritually blind.

The Popes of Rome are the prophetic kings of Mystery Babylon Rev 17.

There are only Holy Celestial Angels, the Holy Spirit taught me this in 1982. The evil is the fascist life of the Church of Rome who still control the world through the Rothschilds and Jesuits.


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