
Issac Kappy Declas 4

Please select playlist name from following - original uploader (afaik)
i wasn’t watching when this guy was around, and i got out of the Q stuff after seeing the signs of what it was really about after around 2 months of buying into it. i admit it, the Q trap held me for about a month. maybe i’m wrong about it now still. we’ll see. at any rate, this fella told a lot of truth, and exposed the darkness with light for a time. in this vid, he seems to be coming with a genuine humility and a penitent heart that i rarely get to see. and i NEED to see more of this out of myself. i’m posting this as a call for all with love in their hearts to check thyself. that’s what i’m doing now. this had an affect on me, and i believe that i’m better for it. i NEED to stop acting and speaking/typing out of disappointment, disgust, hatred, frustration, and most of all= being a man who’s gifts from God could be turned to darkness in haughty egoism.


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