
Watergate Was REALLY Pedogate ~ feaut. Billy Graham & Nicole Kidman's Father !

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Watergate Was REALLY Pedogate ~ feaut. Billy Graham & Nicole Kidman's Father !
Pedophiles Down Under
Exposing Australia's VIP Child Abuse Network

Prostituted by the Australian government to RICHARD NIXON at RAAF Fairbairne military airport, Canberra. The Australian Federal Police unit ‘Operation Attest' refused to investigate this incident. They promised to at least investigate and tell me whether or not there was a centrifuge at the base, used to train pilots in to validate my memories. An ex-military perosn who worked at the base validated its existence instead.
Kidman Connections: The CIA, Secret Societies & Ritual Abuse
Antony Kidman and his brother went to St. Aloysius College in Sydney, a Jesuit school. After graduating, Antony's brother went on to pursue the ‘spiritual' side of his education and decided to become a Jesuit. While in training to become a member of the secret society, he developed schizophrenia and had to abandon his plans.

Catholicism remained strong in the Kidman family. They attended the Star of The Sea Jesuit Church in North Sydney and Father Paul Coleman was their family priest. This was also the place chosen for the funeral of Antony in 2014, which only came a month after he was formally notified of Fiona Barnett's allegations. Coleman also officiated the marriage of Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban in 2006. It is interesting that Nicole maintains her Jesuit links while being connected with The Church of Scientology, a CIA/MKULTRA linked cult.

Fiona Barnett Press Conference - October 2015, Sydney:


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