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Lookoutfa Charlie 278
MK Hollywood - MK Music Industry - MK Public Subversion
*Brand Confusion and the ramping up of RF weapons.

If everything the public has learned over the years is based on subverted
and bogus information from the foundation on up, how could they ever come to a rational conclusion?

The answer? They can’t.

They know something is a miss... And most of it boils down to this.

**Shilling, Fedposting and Mole’n 101*

*Insane sounding statements
*Ask ridiculous questions that have been answered over and over on this channel
*"User" always slightly changes their opinions and angle about this subject
*Constant contradictions
*Making "video tag" comments just to mark a video for later identification
*Keyword comments. These mark the video with keywords that were purposely avoided by me.
*"User" asks endless questions. Their reponse (if at all) will just be another question
*Fedposting about violence, uprising or destruction of property
*Attempting to extort / entrap by gaining medical advice (especially in post 2020 era)
*Constant questioning of the source. "What is this?" "Where does it come from?" "Who is doing this?"
*Appealing that I consider the possibility that this is paranormal related. While not considering that there is years and years of study and analyzation into this..and there are almost 300 videos on this channel that all work as a body of evidence.
*Trying to sound inquisitive.. while attempting to influence the viewer. But comes off as lazy, lazy minded, and unwilling to do any reasearch for themselves.
*Baseless speculation is suddenly fact for the poster.
*"User" makes ridiculous and maniacal comment. Then asks if anyone else is experiencing it as well..
*Makes comments that attempt to correct information in a video. Then asks a question that is of the most remedial nature on this subject.
*Constant questions about remedies when this information is covered here. Either the poster is too lazy to search or wants to change the subject.


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