
Donald Trump Declares Martial Law to Combat Staged Mayhem

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It’s looking like the deception is working as intended, to bring about the coming IBM/Microsoft Mark of the Beast technology.

There is no doubt that these protest where Manufactured in order to justify enacting a full on state of militarized Martial Law so that the show of force is in place when they come back with Covid 19 part 2. Not to long ago, Trump made comments about using the Military to spread these Vaccines, now he is declaring a state of martial law in order to combat this manufactured violence.

I theorize that once these protest are dealt with, they will keep their pawns in place with the illusion of keeping the peace, and that’s when the Corona lockdowns will come back. Then this biological boogeyman situation will morph into a world wide monetary Crisis.

Right now they got the Average American dope believing that this is about Left Vs Right when the reality is they are all willingly playing their part to help usher this in. Don’t fall for Trumps flatteries in all of this, he does not have the best intentions of Christians or the US Constitution in mind.

I know I have what some would believe to be fringe ideas about who Trump really is. It is up to you the individual to think for yourself. I am not trying to win likes or get your money, only thing I want to do is shine the light and make the noise.

God Bless and please get right with Jesus Christ if you so choose too.


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