
The Great Opus of Jon Levy ~ Before and After Resets

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The Great Opus of Jon Levy ~ Before and After Resets

Original by JonLevi
Before and After Resets

In today's episode, Before and After Resets, we will examine several topics including; Chicago, California, Mexico, and Salt Lake City. We will examine several examples of what we call mud flood and our false historical narrative.

I am still without internet at home for several weeks. My only source is at the coffeeshop, or for high speed, the library. Its as if there is an anti microwave bubble force field around my house. I am going to switch companies at the end of the month (although some would say this is a good thing). Besides that all is well and I do hope alls well and good in your lives too.

I am very excited about talks with Martin regarding the city of the future and much more is in the works concerning our freedom and the big picture. I love you all!!!

My first course on How to Make YouTube Videos.
In this behind the scenes course I will show you all my secret video making techniques.


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