
Mirror Very Busy Hospitals PanAdmin

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Found PanAdmin video compilation of Facebook, and I appreciated their song choice. With today’s Nashville bombing being a repeat of the Boston Hoaxathon, I’m already finding suspicious people connected to the event. The fact it was staged outside AT&T transmission building, who coincidentally is the FBI/DHS partner via FIRSTNET with all of their phony mass shooting events, I’m sure was just another coincidence. I must say though, that I’m thoroughly impressed they would stage the event on a Federal Holiday! Their hard work in deceiving the public will most likely be rewarded with an additional line item increase in the next Congressional Spending Bill. Oh, and we can’t overlook how they want to make RV’s look dangerous and lethal to the public since the RV industry had a boom this year with Coronahoax. We don’t want people traveling when they have an economy to crumble. You know how they setup certain industries and businesses to look bad in some of their hoaxes in order to mess with public trading values, or to justify pushing a mandate onto that industry that has been fighting it off for many years by lobbyists. This was likely a hoax pulled for multiple reasons.


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