
Hop on the Bus Gus, and get Yourself Free

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Hop on the Bus Gus, and get Yourself Free....... everything
An excerpt from this John B. Wells episode 351:
Treason at the border, and beyond.

It’s almost predictable what the NWO schemer’s do. They set up a bussing operation, and also
produce a video attempting to convince the American people that
a caravan, as the news media calls it, walk the hundreds of miles.
from Panama to Mexico, to get to the U.S. border.
It’s all a well-planned scam.

Here’s some footage of that fake caravan. One woman pushing a grocery cart full of kids,
one marcher with a finely trimmed beard?
This group shows no signs of milage, no wear and tear from a long journey.
Just defiant propaganda.


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