
Jesuit trained ’Minister of Indigenous Services’ says prosecuting Catholic Church not priority

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Eric 777
Jesuit trained ’Minister of Indigenous Services’ says prosecuting Catholic Church not priority

Eric 777:
It very telling that there are ZERO calls in Canada to “cancel” the Roman Catholic Church after the bodies of 215 children were found at a Catholic residential school in Kamloops. Statues are being torn down left right and centre, Canada day is even being cancelled, but the Catholic Church still controls 50% of all schools in the country! It is being said statues that cause pain are being torn down…well how about the pain of the thousands of children raped in Canada by Catholic priests?!?! But you see there are no calls to cancel the Catholic schools, churches, orphanages, daycare centres etc. Here where I am in London Ontario, the newest 4 high schools are all Catholic! This is all by design…remember Jesuit trained Marc Miller is the current minister of Indigenous Services in Canada while this scandal with the Catholic Church murdering children at residential schools is unfolding, Miller went to the same Jesuit school as the Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau—-College de Jean Brebeuf.

While Canada’s secular history is cancelled and destroyed the Catholic Church will march on to more power. As Jesuit Trudeau has said Canada is a “post national state” with no “core identity”. Canada, already a non sovereign state (British corporation) will now be totally ruled by NGO’s such as the Jesuits’ United Nations, WHO, World Bank, World Economic Forum IMF etc, and we will have Catholicism as our “one world” religion. The “cancelling” of Canada’s history is also to destroy the idea of a nation-state, a concept the Jesuits despise and the Great Reset will be a “world community” with no sovereign nations, where the Pope is the supreme leader

“The Marieval Indian Residential School closed in 1997 after operating for nearly 100 years.
According to information available through the University of Regina, the school was run by the Catholic Church until Cowessess First Nation took over operations in 1981.
The federal government had purchased the property in 1926. The school was “controversially demolished” in 1999, two years after it closed, and replaced with a day school.”

True Goal Of Residential Schools Exposed
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