
Mafia, and The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword, Andrew Breitbart

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Mafia, and The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword
original posting, Mar 3, 2012, deleted everywhere,
dr Meno’s commentary on the assassination of Controversial Journalist Investigator Andrew Breitbart. This was a covert mob HIT. No more "bang, bang shoot them up" type of hits anymore. The Mafia has adopted in the Sixties, their policy, that THE PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD. He claims that the mob can do more harm, through the stroke of the pen through corporate America than using violence. The only way to take down America before the elitist take down the usa, (This is in lower case on purpose), is through the fiscal revolution. A Fiscal protest to quit spending and making money. Shut down America fiscally. Take control of the money flow by stymy the economy when we had control of it and not when the elitist are forcing it on us.
if we had a civil war in the USA. Against the US government. Where it is the states united fighting back against the DC crowd of corruption. Whom, may be just a bunch of freedom fighters trying to restore the constitution. Who would be the country or entity that would be funding the freedom fighters? China? Russia? Mexico? Private entities? And if We wanted to take over the banks and revolt, through the fiscal revolution too. Who would be backing us up? And funding us.

The Fiscal Revolution, The Peaceful Revolution, & Bank Runs


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