
David Icke Clip01 - Covid19 does not exist-

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Icke is one of the few ’unpersoned’ by all social media. This means the enemy thinks he’s dangerous which means he must be attentioned by us as well.

I think if wikileaks was still running covid19 would have already been exposed for the hoax it is anyway i also am 24/7 researching on this subject and trying to figure out what happened so i may understand what is gonna happen next. The covid19 gene map exists but we have no evidence to suggest or deny what’s written there is true or false. When you build a hoax you also build the history of that hoax. Only a very trusted virologist who has access to 10 or more covid dead and who personally did the autopsies and who’s unafraid to speak may solve the mystery and there is no such hero at hand. Next we have to determine if 33.000 have died in Italy because i have second hand witness testifying from inside the hospital that patients increased tenfold in the bad moment. Patients AND dead. There are no papers so this claim is unbacked but the person who told me this trusts this witness 100%. As winter approaches so does the second wave when they will take any dead and make him a covid victim. There is a HUGE proliferation of fake news in Italy right now (since i was scolded for no subtitles it took me some time to add them to a very very significant action taken by the Italian tv about the protest in Berlin. I will upload it just after this video is done). So they are preparing to shut us all down again. So again what we need to do is find out if the virus exists or the gene map and documentation is false and when the dead are told to be rising, we need to find out exactly if they are REALLY dying (and why) or not. I am working/sleeping/training and devoting 100% of my spare time to this as I think literally nothing else matters but this. I think you should be doing the same. We need people in the ICUs so start asking around. Fight!


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